Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Putting It Out There

Christmas Tree Bird Assault Status: Cat: 5 ; Bluebird of Happiness, 6. The birdie is winning!
'Game On' called on 12/6/14 when bird was placed in tree. Points earned by cat removing bird or bird staying in tree overnight.
Daphne says, "I just don't want to find the bird anymore. I
have found something more fun ... chewing on this tree! I win!"
Wow, when they said the temperature was going to take a dive, they weren't kidding. From the 50s yesterday to a high in the 30s today and the rest of the week, well, that's just crazy making! And, I have to admit, as I sit right now, I'm not especially looking forward to my morning run. I'm tired, the household is tired, the energy is at a lull, and the run just sounds ... cold. I'll be fine once I'm out there, but I'm not terribly enthused right now. And, we don't always have to be ...

On that note, I got the best story from my Virtual Running Partner Extraordinaire, Mary Kate, today as she recapped her weekend Half Marathon. I don't think she'll mind my sharing that she was literally at the starting line not wanting to start. And, I don't mean she had the butterflies; I mean she didn't want to do it. At all. Sometimes, these things don't click, and, when that happens, they make no sense to do (I mean, does it make sense to run 13 miles when you're just not that into it?!) But, she dove deep into her character (because she rocks) and handed the entire thing right on up to God (because He rocks) and, together, they made it happen.

I loved every part of Mary Kate's story because it was honest. It was raw. It was the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful. It was a story way beyond the run. In fact, I know very little about the actual run. It was a story of heart, and I'm so amazed by her! All of us runners have a different path and a different purpose for doing what it is we do; it's so very fortunate when you find your people!

And, tomorrow, when there's not a chance I'm going to want to head out in the temps-in-the-teens plus a wind chill, there will be every chance I'll picture Mary Kate in that starting corral silently screaming, "I don't wanna!!!!" (I kind of wish she would have just belted that out; can you image how many people would rally around her in agreement?! Ha!) ... and, then, doing it anyway!

In a complete shift in topic, I wanted to update on the awesome Spinach Balls! I previously mentioned I wanted to try them with artichoke in 'em. So, I did. And, they were a HIT:
I used 10 ounces of chopped spinach and one can (14 ounces?) of artichoke heart that I chopped as fine as I could. While the artichoke made it a little more difficult to stick together, it definitely worked, and the taste was amazeballs!! THIS is the way to have these in my opinion!

With that, I'm off to think warm thoughts so as to gear up for tomorrow's run! And, if that doesn't work, I'll just think about the grit of my friend Mary Kate. That'll certainly do the trick! I'll check in after ... Stay warm!!

1 comment:

  1. You are too kind and too generous! I pull motivation and encouragement from you CONSTANTLY! I think of you with nearly every run - definitely with every race. Thank YOU Ms. Nancy 1000+ mile runner - for being there for me despite living in another state. I am so very blessed. Love to you!!!
