Wednesday, December 31, 2014

And, That's How It Rolled ...

Hello, hello, and welcome to New Year's Eve!! Holy moly, I can just feel it being the last day of the year because I think I lived every minute of every day of 2014! Some of it was lived happily and in full-on fabulous, and other moments were emotionally steam rolled! And, of course, there was everything in between -- let's just say how very, very thankful I am that running was a staple of my year as it preserved some sanity!

It was a really good year in the running game, too, and totally worthy of review! Let's check out what went down!

Days run: 202

2014 Mileage Goal: 1,000

2014 actual Mileage: 1010.5
2015 Mileage Goal: Tune in tomorrow ...

Official races completed: 5. 3 Half Marathons. 2 5Ks. I virtual 10K. Clearly, I saved me some scratch this year!

Best 2014 running feat: Making through the January-inflicted injury to still take on the April Half. That's impressive seeing as I'm not 15 and in youthful, bounce-back condition anymore! Wait, I wasn't then, either ...

Best race course: MO' Cowbell. When they said it was flat, it actually was. Unlike those with their pants on fire at the Rock the Parkway course. At least the Go Girl peeps are all, "Look, if you're signing up for this, you know what you're signing up for ..."

Best race decision: To pull myself back a corral at Rock the Parkway. Ego out; Fun in running preserved!

Best Non-participation moment: Not accepting my brother's invitation to run a 7-miler this summer. If for no other reason, he would have signed me up too late for any ... I repeat, any ... race swag!! And, what's a race without the swag?! Besides, we all got to root on our nephew instead!
Look at 'im goooooo!!!
Speaking of swag ...

Best race swag: Go Girl Half Marathon. Between the ninja star medal and the wine glass, was there really competition?

Best race shirt:
Duh. Because it's purple and shiny.
Best running accoutrement for the pooch ... in a Go Girl hat trick of awards ...:
Biggest pain in the ass running accoutrement for the pooch: See above bandana as the material couldn't be machine sewn.

Best finds of the everyday running: Money, of course. And, totally crushing the previous year in money found by $15.95 was sweeeeeeeet.

Most disgusting running find: This:
I know you've not seen this yet. I saved it for this very moment.
You are very welcome. By the way ... more than anything, it
was the helping of green and orange thingies that really got me.
I think they're supposed to be carrots and something ...
Biggest running-related bummer: Elly getting hurt and needing to be sidelined. I totally missed her!
"I'm resting up for next year, mommy, because I missed you, too!"
Super-fun running buddy: Pit Crew #2 who sometimes made me stop in my tracks to catch my breath after making me laugh. Hard.

Biggest running-related moment of personal growth: Not spending half the year whining about needing-but-can't-find new shoes. That was my gift to you, by the way ...

Best running gear: There is no competition here:
He be jammin' on the run ...
Best recipe that came to me by virtue of running: You guessed it -- Spinach Balls!

Best recipe amendment by a Pit Crewer: Pit Crew #3 and his Pimp My Spinach Balls title.

Best running look:
Best race fans: I am so thankful for all who cheer me on and support my crazy endeavors. I really, truly am. I am most thankful for these four ...
And, in the last update of the year, which includes the updated numbers I forgot to do yesterday because I chose to play Taboo and yell words instead of writing any, the Christmas Tree Bird Assault Status: Cat: 12 ; Bluebird of Happiness, 16. BIRD WINS.
"That's cool. I wanted it to win. And, now,
I look for my next prey ..."
It really was a fun ride for these 1,000+ miles. The ones that were fun were a blast, and the ones that were difficult were more than worth it. I can't ask for much more than that, and I'm beyond thankful that I sit here already pondering goals and plans for next year!

I hope 2015 rings in just the way you want!! I'll check in after we flip the calendar! In the meantime, from all of us to all of you ...
... the happiest and healthiest of New Years!!!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Unscheduled Serenity

Christmas Tree Bird Assault Status: Cat: 12 ; Bluebird of Happiness, 14. Cat got it twice ...
"The end of the game is drawing near ... I gotta do what I
gotta do to win!"
"I had nothing to do with any of this."
'Game On' called on 12/6/14 when bird was placed in tree. Points earned by cat removing bird or bird staying in tree overnight.

The game might be drawing near to a close for the cat vs. the bird, but there's still a lot of break left!! And, as much as you know I enjoy running, I am thoroughly enjoying every minute of not having it on my agenda and just enjoying some unscheduled down time!! I think it would be a wise idea to schedule a few breaks from running during the upcoming year because this is doing me a world of good!

Today's endeavors: lunch with friends; strolling downtown; family game time and tastes of Winter:
While I did not partake in the hot chocolate, I most definitely treated myself to some of the chocolate hiding in that box back there ... mmmmm ...
With tomorrow comes some play time with my dad as well as some planning to ring in the New Year!! That sounds like a great way to spend a Tuesday! I'll check in from there!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Little Things

Christmas Tree Bird Assault Status: Cat: 10 ; Bluebird of Happiness, 14. But, barely. Look how I found it this morning ...
It's actually barely hanging on. But, staying in the tree by any
means counts for the bird and further defining the cat as lazy.
'Game On' called on 12/6/14 when bird was placed in tree. Points earned by cat removing bird or bird staying in tree overnight.

So, this sentiment could not be more appropriate for me right now:
That sleep and the jammies part is SPOT ON! It's also pretty applicable to my day as I did sleep in a little bit, and I did wear jammie pants all day. Nothing was wrong with either of those endeavors!

There was nothing wrong with these little goodies, either ...
Mmmm ... Aaron and Pit Crew #2 made Crab Balls tonight, and they were rather yummy! I'd pass along the recipe, but Aaron found it one day, and I have no idea where he got it. And, suffice it to say we didn't use the recommended fresh, fancy crab and swapped in the ol' fake stuff, so we probably didn't really do it any favors. But, with our unrefined, non-fancy palates, they were fantastic!

Aaron also got another little treat ...
Indeed, it's another bluebird for the tree!! This one is more of a guard, though. He's very lovely, but he's not very soft. Besides, he can look menacing if he wants to:
Kinda looks like a hooligan ...
I don't think we'll be finding him dropped around the house!

I enjoy this particular week of the year because it tends to be filled with these kinds of tidbits! None of them are earth shattering, but they are fun! And, as far as I'm concerned, it's the little things that don't necessarily mean something but provide enjoyment that end up meaning the most! Make sure your week is full of the little things that make you happy, too!! I'll be checking in! Stay tuned ...

Saturday, December 27, 2014

That's a Wrap!

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 202 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 1,010.5 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 361.8 Money Found For Food Bank: $9.79

Christmas Tree Bird Assault Status: Cat: 10 ; Bluebird of Happiness, 13. Looks like the cat is going to have to eat some crow ...
'Game On' called on 12/6/14 when bird was placed in tree. Points earned by cat removing bird or bird staying in tree overnight.

As I thought through our Saturday morning plans last night, I realized, weather permitting, I could route 6-mile outing that would be the perfect cap on this year of running. I've been eyeing the idea of taking a week off at some point this year, so, why not make it the very last week! I can tell I'm ready for it, too ...!

And, as luck would have it, the weather totally permitted the plan. Even better, Pit Crew #2 was all about joining me! I love her company; we're good at both the talking times and the have-nothing-to-say times, so it works out great! She isn't ready to just hop out there and safely run 6 miles right now, and, Christmas Eve/Christmas dinner is hardly awesome running fuel anyway (that's the kind of thing that'll take its toll on mom!!), so I decided we'd go old school by running the down hills and walking the rest. That's actually an amendment to my old-school ways because I used to run the downs and the flats. But, I also hadn't just had breakfast for dinner nor lasagna, so I took the excuse for yet another amendment. My run; my rules.

We had a great outing with plenty of things to talk and giggle about. We found money along the way, and it snowed just enough to be pretty without getting us very wet! And, the unexpected bonus came when I realized just how up hill these 6 miles are! Physically, it's an effort either way, walking or running, but, mentally, walking takes less of a toll. Just sayin'! I actually enjoyed learning how up hill that particular route is as I reflected on how many times I've run it. I took the opportunity to let PC#2 know how much more of a stud it makes me feel now that I'm fully in the know. She didn't argue the point; I decided that meant she agreed!

With those miles behind me, that's it for running this year! My body is totally ready to chill before gearing up for the next round of back-to-back Half Marathon trainings which starts right around the corner! And, frankly, my mind is ready for the break, too. With a whole week ahead of nothing planned in the mornings, now's the best time to fully indulge and regroup!

I will be checking in, though, so stay tuned! Thank you for coming along every step* of 2014!! Now ... let's just play for a bit!!

By the way ... the average number of steps in a mile is 2,000. That being said, you've come along 2,021,000 steps with me! WOAH!!!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Welcome Back, Old Friend!

Christmas Tree Bird Assault Status: Cat: 10 ; Bluebird of Happiness, 12. Indeed, the game is still on even though I failed to give a status yesterday because I forgot! Both cat and bird have been equally busy since the last update, though, so nothing has actually changed ...
'Game On' called on 12/6/14 when bird was placed in tree. Points earned by cat removing bird or bird staying in tree overnight.

Happy day after Christmas!! I hope yesterday was everything you wanted it to be no matter what that means! Big and loud or small and quiet celebrations! Fancy dinners or junk food fests! Extended family or just your own ... whatever works best for you is what I hope happened! The one tradition I can't yet seem to influence in my favor is sleeping in a little longer, but I do love the excitement that comes with those who want to be up and at it early! So, what's a little, early afternoon nap among family?!?!

I must share one of the gifts Aaron got me:
The sign, not Rudolph. He's there just dressing it up.
In case you can't see it, it reads, "I'm just chillin' @
the corner of Smokin' Hot & Fabulous."
HAHAHAHAHA! That rules!
From our early morning of presents to our traditional lasagna dinner, I was filled to the brim with goodness! So, when Pit Crew #2 asked if I was running this morning, I didn't hesitate in answering, "NO CHANCE!" I did so firmly but with a smile! Oh, but you might have guessed from yesterday's post that we all got a chance to go for a walk yesterday! I am not ashamed to admit that my main motivation for walking was that late Christmas Eve, Aaron found Jacques ready to go in his Santa suit!! He's like Elf On the Shelf in that way ... Anyway, there was no way I was letting the holiday pass without one walk with him since he's been MIA for months! Elly was STOKED when she saw him; she knows what Jacques means!!!
"I MEAN BUSINESS is what I mean!!
Let's go, dog!! We have miles to make
up for!!!"
There is nothing quite like seeing Jacques bounce along the entire outing, by the way!

We're about to hit another shift in temperature (meaning it's about to plunge according to all reports), which sounds like it's just about a good time to call the official Rest Week. But, I'm still wanting to eek in just another outing or two to push the week where I really want it to land. That being said, I'm planning on a long outing tomorrow morning if the weather holds! PC#2 is set to join me, so we'll check in tomorrow with the verdict of what we were able to do!

Until then, it's time to wind this Friday down into a slow cruise ... see you tomorrow!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!!

Nancy, Pit Crew #3, Aaron, Pit Crew #2, Elly and Santa Jacques!!

We'll check in tomorrow from a holiday-recovery rest day!! Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Night Before ...

Christmas Tree Bird Assault Status: Cat: 9 ; Bluebird of Happiness, 11. That bird just might win.
'Game On' called on 12/6/14 when bird was placed in tree. Points earned by cat removing bird or bird staying in tree overnight.

Merry Christmas Eve!!! That reminds me ... I need to find that book ("Twas the Night Before Christmas." I read it every year but never remember to find it until right before everyone heads to bed. Now, that's planning ...)

I hope your day has been full of exactly what you've wanted!! It's been chock full here, and all of it has been exactly what we've needed to really settle in to the Christmas spirit ... minus the fight I had with the sewing machine this morning, but that could have been predicted. I fully intended on heading out this morning to run with Pit Crew #2 until it was drizzling at the very time I was making my decision. I wasted no time getting in the shower so as to put a big null-and-void stamp on the very idea of running just in case the rain let up any time soon. Frankly, I more than need the rest and I had plenty to keep myself occupied!

Among other things we did today included a dabble in decorating these:
We had a kit I bought on clearance after Christmas last year. Since the point is decorating and not eating, I had no problem opening up the expired products! If you look at the one on the left, it is a town house turned outhouse -- because that's totally what it looked like. The outhouse looks like Rudolph, antlers and all, and has a line of gingerbread people in front waiting to get in. Wait ... here's a better look from its front:
After we finished, we embarked on a Christmas Eve tradition Aaron and I created many moons ago: Breakfast for dinner! It all started with the idea that we should get breakfast out of the way so we don't have to 'waste time' on it in the morning! We shifted the tradition this year from making it at home to going out ... which was a.w.e.s.o.m.e.!! We also took presents there from each other to exchange (because the presents that come tomorrow are from Santa, duh). Pit Crew #3 gave PC#2 a crap-ton of Ramen noodles while she gave him sparkling grape juice and gooey butter cookies! We go all out, you see!
With that, it's off to continue with the traditions and the winding down of the evening! May your evening be peaceful ... and, I'll see you tomorrow ...!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Look Up In the Sky!!

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 201 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 1,004.5 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 361.8 Money Found For Food Bank: $9.61

Christmas Tree Bird Assault Status: Cat: 9 ; Bluebird of Happiness, 10. New hiding spot prevailed.
'Game On' called on 12/6/14 when bird was placed in tree. Points earned by cat removing bird or bird staying in tree overnight.

It was most definitely my intention to spend at least a little time today to figure out a running plan for the rest of the week. But, when I couldn't even decide what I wanted to do tomorrow, I figured I'd bag the plan and see how I feel 'round-about the time I get up tomorrow!

This morning's plan stuck, though, and we headed out as planned! Yes, I said "we" because look who came with me!
Pit Crew #2 has been wanting to run with me for quite a while but hasn't had the time. I'm pretty sure she second-guessed her motives for wanting to join me this morning when I told her what time I was leaving. Suffice it to say that she about swallowed her face, but she agreed anyway. I understood the face swallowing; it's not like I didn't want to sleep in!

But, look what we saw almost immediately upon walking out the door!!
That's right ... it's the SUN!! How long has it been since we've seen that ?! It got brighter and brighter as we cruised along, and it was just a smack of happy for the day!

And, our moment of amusement came when this little guy decided to defend his territory:
And, by "his territory," I mean he was out and about on public land but decided it was all his. We had just noted how smart he was to stay out of the street when he couldn't resist ...
That was an excellent little moment. Finding a total of 96 cents was its own string of excellent little moments, too! And, of course, I loved being with my girl!!

And, as noted yesterday, within about an hour of finishing, cookies arrived!
I have no idea what has happened to most of that fudge ...
So, here's to tomorrow, whatever it brings!! I'll check in after whatever I do!! Merry Night Before the Night Before!!!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Plans, Day By Day

Christmas Tree Bird Assault Status: Cat: 9 ; Bluebird of Happiness, 9. Tied in a 2-for-1 effort by the cat.
'Game On' called on 12/6/14 when bird was placed in tree. Points earned by cat removing bird or bird staying in tree overnight.

The cat is getting a little lazy in the game ... this is where the bird was both this morning and just now:
It just looks sad, doesn't it?
Of course, Daphne's all, "Whatever! I just scored two points in one day!" She seems to be expanding her sites ...
Don't go getting wise, girl ...
As we speak, there are more ... yes, MORE ... spinach + artichoke + bacon balls in the oven! They were such a hit with our friends that they were gone in a flash! So, we thought we'd make a selfish batch for dinner! And, they're going to be part of great fuel for running in the morning. I knew I'd work to get a couple in this week, and, after seeing the forecast for next week, I think I'd better take advantage of the warmer temperatures! I know upper 30s isn't warm, per se, but it's awesome for running. At this point, next week is supposed to bring a drop in the temps, and with days to work with to make a good, long stretch of rest, I figure that's the best way to plan one!

Besides, we got a call from some friends who want to bring over some Christmas cookies tomorrow morning. What better way to wrap up a run than to run right into Christmas cookies?! Only this time of year ...!!

This week can be both wonderful and weird as the rest of 'life' goes on while we prepare to celebrate! So, I hope any craze of the week is not chaotic! We've managed to keep things at the appropriate celebratory-buzz level so far!! I think a run to start the morning off kind of cleansed from the inside is a good call to keep the momentum going in the right direction!

Take care of yourself the way you need, and I'll check in after the morning run!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

It Continues ...!

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 200 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 1,000 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 361.8 Money Found For Food Bank: $8.65

Christmas Tree Bird Assault Status: Cat: 7 ; Bluebird of Happiness, 9. My foot found the bird at 5 a.m. as it had been carefully placed next to the bed as an offering ... I guess the cat is still in the game ...
'Game On' called on 12/6/14 when bird was placed in tree. Points earned by cat removing bird or bird staying in tree overnight.

As of today, it's feeling more and more like Christmas is really coming! Today was full of little things here and there that come together to really get in the spirit including doing a little cooking to get ready for a gathering with friends tomorrow! You can guess my main contribution to the meal: SPINACH BALLS!

Click above for the original recipe, but I had to bring this up because we made yet another amendment to it that took them to a whole new level:
You're seeing that correctly: BACON!

We cooked a pound of bacon crispy enough to crumble by hand (instead of having to cut in any way). I divided the recipe (which I made with our first amendment of artichoke hearts) adding bacon to only half as one of our friends is a vegetarian. We ended up using only half of the pound of bacon for half the recipe. We still don't have any bacon left over, but that's an entirely different story.

The bacon was the perfect enhancement; a great Christmas treat!! I highly recommend even though we won't use it all the time because (a) I hate making bacon because it's so messy, and (b) it kind of defeats the purpose of the healthy part of this recipe!! But, that ought to be countered in my next version of this recipe when I use ... wait and see ...

By the way, I've never dinked around with any recipe so much. I'm not usually that interested to do so. But, this one's base is sooooo good and lends itself to playing around. It also lent itself to my family noticing that every few days, I'm all, "Hey! I know what else I can do to those spinach balls!" only to have Pit Crew #3 look at me last night and say, "Mom, this is becoming, like 'Pimp My Spinach Balls.' " And, so it is ...

With that, there's more fun to do ... and, tomorrow, that will not include running, but it might include a plan about what I'm going to do about continuing to move through the holidays! I'll check in then; enjoy the rest of the weekend!!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

One Thousand

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 200 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 1,000 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 361.8 Money Found For Food Bank: $8.65

Christmas Tree Bird Assault Status: Cat: 6 ; Bluebird of Happiness, 9. I think the cat has given up.
'Game On' called on 12/6/14 when bird was placed in tree. Points earned by cat removing bird or bird staying in tree overnight.

My trainer got in on the celebration, too:
"Good for you, mommy!!"
"Wait. I just realized I didn't get to go ..."

I think the only bigger challenge than running 1,000 miles was figuring out how to create 1,000 with our hands! Either way, it wasn't a bad way to start the holiday home stretch! I'm off to rest but will check in tomorrow ...!

Friday, December 19, 2014

One More

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 199 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 995.5 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 361.8 Money Found For Food Bank: $8.62

Christmas Tree Bird Assault Status: Cat: 6 ; Bluebird of Happiness, 8. It's back in the saddle for the bird! Or, should I say, back in the tree ...
'Game On' called on 12/6/14 when bird was placed in tree. Points earned by cat removing bird or bird staying in tree overnight.

Wow, I think I kind of need it to be Friday!! I mean, I just sat down to jot about today's run when I learned -- yes, learned -- I have not run since Monday! I honestly thought I only had two days off of running only to learn it was three! That probably explains why this morning went so well, too ...

Being so close to my goal, I decided to extend one of this week's runs past my normal 4 and a half-ish so I wouldn't leave something stupid like a mile or so hanging before hitting the goal with another run. That translated to going more than 5 today so tomorrow's normal route didn't have to be extended. Because, let's face it, who wants to extend a Saturday morning run on a cozy, December morning?!

Anyway, it was cold but not windy this morning, and that for a very pleasant outing! The snow also made money finding a mere challenge, but it did not make it impossible!
As far as I'm concerned, it's right there!!
It was an 85-cent haul today including the penny I passed over because someone was standing right over it until they left the scene without picking it up. And, when I circled back to get it, I noticed a guy right across from it sitting at a table having a donut or something (um, little cold for that, don't you think? I mean, we are all outside ...). Clearly, he was not as interested in the penny as he was his donut. So, I snagged and scooted.

And, before I make myself to be a professional penny vulture, I will note that I heard the tell-tale sounds of change hitting the floor at the store yesterday, and I waited to make sure it was all found by its owner. When she walked away from a penny that she didn't see, I got it and took it to her. I do have my standards.

Besides the ridiculous amount of coins I found today, the run was pleasantly uneventful. To be honest, I just kept thinking about tomorrow's run and sleeping in Sunday not caring about running at all hitting that goal. And, I was hugely thankful for the entire route that even though it was 32 degrees, there wasn't one spot of ice from the melting snow. There are no words big enough to explain the gravity of that particular bonus!

And, when I finished, I was excited to realize that I really hit my goal in just one more run ...
"One singular sensation! Every little step
she takes ... da da da da da da da ..!"
A Chorus Line it won't be, but it's still
pretty good stuff!
Running won't be over for the year after tomorrow, but I will take a little on-purpose time to chillax after!! Enjoy the rest of your Friday, and I'll see you after the morning run!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Setting the Scene!

Christmas Tree Bird Assault Status: Cat: 6 ; Bluebird of Happiness, 7. It was cold last night. Pretty sure the kitty cuddled with mommy instead of moving to hunt her prey ...
'Game On' called on 12/6/14 when bird was placed in tree. Points earned by cat removing bird or bird staying in tree overnight.

It's been one of those days where I have not stopped moving since getting up! But, while the day was full of a lot of hard work, it has also been the perfect backdrop to really get us in the Christmas spirit! For instance, we woke up to this!
Awesome!! Snow on the ground to highlight the window
ornaments!! WaHoo!!!
Lizzy certainly enjoyed the scene:
It doesn't get much better than that!
I even managed to get a batch of these made ...
They're a childhood favorite of my brother's. And, seeing as that is his gift, it's a good thing I finally got 'em done!

And, while we're on the subject of Christmas, I have to share what I found the other day. Check this out:
That is a stellar ad for that Christmas photo card! Wow, so
great to show off the fam! Sign us up!
Why do they hate their daughter?

Much still to do as one of my little elves is finished with finals and deep into the gift-making! As I am her elf, I best get back to it! And, in the morning, I get back to running! May the holiday bug be catching you, too, and I'll check in after the morning run!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Never Mind On That Plan "A" Thing ...

Christmas Tree Bird Assault Status: Cat: 6 ; Bluebird of Happiness, 6. Tied again! Cat got back in the game ...
'Game On' called on 12/6/14 when bird was placed in tree. Points earned by cat removing bird or bird staying in tree overnight.

I know there's that whole saying that goes something like, "If you want God to laugh, make plans." I have never been a fan because I don't like the implication that He's laughing at me nor do I believe that. I do think He knows better, though, which is the exact sentiment I have to hold on to on days like this!

That's right, you don't see the mileage counter up there because my best-laid plans to run came to an instinctive, screeching halt around 3 a.m. I'd gotten up to check on whichever of the young Pit Crewers was hacking up a lung at that point and could feel the tell-tale signs of something trying to settle in to my neck and sinuses. I could also tell that was the exact moment where I could be smart and make as many decisions as possible to take care of myself, or, I could ignore it and wind up down and out for a few days. At that hour, I could hear the little germies taunting me asking if I wanted to dance; I checked on still-don't-know-which-crewer before politely declining. And, I decided right then and there I wasn't running today. It can wait 'til Friday!

It was also at that hour, by the way, that my foot discovered game was still on between Daphne and the Bluebird of Happiness:
Snatched from the tree and kicked in the dark of night. That
bird is taking a beating ...
With the extra time available from not running, I've managed to get a ton accomplished including a little something fun:
So simple. So fabulous.
It's a day of regrouping, checking things off, adding to the list I just checked stuff off of, reorganizing, following up on ... all of the things that will make Christmas Break all the more appreciated!!

I hope your day isn't as haggard! I really hope you've avoided the really nasty strain of whatever-it-is that is plaguing so many!! Who wants to be sick this time of year?! Tomorrow's all booked up, so it's not a running day, but I'll touch base to hopefully kick off a great run Friday morning! Fingers crossed! Take care wherever you are and whatever you are doing! More tomorrow ...!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Putting It Out There

Christmas Tree Bird Assault Status: Cat: 5 ; Bluebird of Happiness, 6. The birdie is winning!
'Game On' called on 12/6/14 when bird was placed in tree. Points earned by cat removing bird or bird staying in tree overnight.
Daphne says, "I just don't want to find the bird anymore. I
have found something more fun ... chewing on this tree! I win!"
Wow, when they said the temperature was going to take a dive, they weren't kidding. From the 50s yesterday to a high in the 30s today and the rest of the week, well, that's just crazy making! And, I have to admit, as I sit right now, I'm not especially looking forward to my morning run. I'm tired, the household is tired, the energy is at a lull, and the run just sounds ... cold. I'll be fine once I'm out there, but I'm not terribly enthused right now. And, we don't always have to be ...

On that note, I got the best story from my Virtual Running Partner Extraordinaire, Mary Kate, today as she recapped her weekend Half Marathon. I don't think she'll mind my sharing that she was literally at the starting line not wanting to start. And, I don't mean she had the butterflies; I mean she didn't want to do it. At all. Sometimes, these things don't click, and, when that happens, they make no sense to do (I mean, does it make sense to run 13 miles when you're just not that into it?!) But, she dove deep into her character (because she rocks) and handed the entire thing right on up to God (because He rocks) and, together, they made it happen.

I loved every part of Mary Kate's story because it was honest. It was raw. It was the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful. It was a story way beyond the run. In fact, I know very little about the actual run. It was a story of heart, and I'm so amazed by her! All of us runners have a different path and a different purpose for doing what it is we do; it's so very fortunate when you find your people!

And, tomorrow, when there's not a chance I'm going to want to head out in the temps-in-the-teens plus a wind chill, there will be every chance I'll picture Mary Kate in that starting corral silently screaming, "I don't wanna!!!!" (I kind of wish she would have just belted that out; can you image how many people would rally around her in agreement?! Ha!) ... and, then, doing it anyway!

In a complete shift in topic, I wanted to update on the awesome Spinach Balls! I previously mentioned I wanted to try them with artichoke in 'em. So, I did. And, they were a HIT:
I used 10 ounces of chopped spinach and one can (14 ounces?) of artichoke heart that I chopped as fine as I could. While the artichoke made it a little more difficult to stick together, it definitely worked, and the taste was amazeballs!! THIS is the way to have these in my opinion!

With that, I'm off to think warm thoughts so as to gear up for tomorrow's run! And, if that doesn't work, I'll just think about the grit of my friend Mary Kate. That'll certainly do the trick! I'll check in after ... Stay warm!!

Monday, December 15, 2014

The Numbers Game

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 198 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 990.2 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 361.8 Money Found For Food Bank: $7.77

We're tied! Take that, cat!
Christmas Tree Bird Assault Status: Cat: 5 ; Bluebird of Happiness, 5. They're tied! New hiding-in-plain-sight strategy seems to be working in the bird's favor.
'Game On' called on 12/6/14 when bird was placed in tree. Points earned by cat removing bird or bird staying in tree overnight.

MondayMondayMondayMonday ... what is one to do on a Monday? To be honest, I have so much stuff staring at me waiting to be accomplished that I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed! But, at least I got in a run! That is one thing I started and finished today all in one shot! Booyah!!

And, it's that 'all in one shot' thing that's the kicker, isn't it? I mean, how many days do you accomplish things, but it's not that satisfying because it took multiple pockets of time to do so? Even if I'm not saying it right, I know you know what I'm talking about!

WAIT: Is that the SUN I see?!?!
It's been so very long ...
So, anyway ... there I was, running on December 15 in the 50-degree temperature. Whuuuuuuut?! At least I finally caught on that it really is okay to not be layered on such days, so I dressed just right. I'm saying that once the temps plunge and the base layer comes out, it's hard to convince myself in December that I don't need it. It's quite the leap of faith even though the numbers really don't lie.

Oooo ... speaking of numbers, there just has to be something lucky about the amount of money in the Food Bank stash, don't you think? I mean, $7.77 ... c'mon!! Lucky 7's!! Three in a row! Jackpot, baby! It's the little things ... although, finding two quarters in the street a few feet away from each other with a dime in between was a big thing today!

And, then there's the other number. The mileage. Literally inside of 10 miles from 1,000. If I'm willing to go past the 4.5 miles I've been doing in the mornings, I could knock that out this week. And, not just this week, but on the same day as rolling the 'days run' to 200 ... a nice, round number! I'll give that some thought. Right now, it seems right. But, right now, I'm also pretty sleep deprived, so my brain isn't quite straight!

And, big bonus: The sooner I hit this goal, so sooner I can plan out a long rest ... yeahhhhh!!! So, we're saying, 9.8 miles tomorrow, then, right?! hahahahahahaha

Given my level of current, focused capacity, I'm thinking I need to quit while I'm ahead on today's documentation and get on to something requiring what's left of my brain power! If your Monday is scrambled, too, may it also be productive on some level. Any level will do! Hang in there on this Monday, and I'll check in on tomorrow's Rest Day!