Thursday, February 28, 2013

Questionable Determination

As I am still questioning whether or not I'll get to do my weekend long run outside, I was bound and determined for today's, at least, to be in the fresh air! With only three miles to go and a reasonably cleared neighborhood, you'd think that would be a doable task. Right?

Elly and I weren't even off our driveway when I reconsidered the wisdom of my determination. A little something called black ice was present, and both of us slipped before even getting to the street. But, I wanted to at least check out the situation before going back inside. Besides, with Elly already on the leash, it was good to give her even a very short walk rather than confuse the beast who cannot reason through a change in plans!

Once in the street, everything seemed to be in thirds: a third covered in snow; a third clearly dry, and a third in question. Of course, those lines weren't clean nor linear (nor always convenient especially when you're on the same dry spot where a bus also wants to pass as I found out, just sayin'), but I felt I could see enough to go forth with the outside plan!

As cars made their way down the narrowed streets, I often had the following choice for footing:
You guessed it ... I went in the tire track when a car wanted to
pass because all of that on the left is ice, ice, baby ...
Only one time in the three miles did I substantially slip. I caught myself on my hand with my pooch immediately to my side in concern because she could go no farther as I still had her leash. Elly and I were even walking through that stretch because the drainage of the area made the slick issue very clear. Oh, and, by "walking" I mean "shuffling." That shuffle saved me from a major wipe out!

For all of the attention required of the road, there were still excellent, wintery sites to see along the way. For instance:
Well, this isn't really excellent for the car owner, but there's still
something intriguing about a car buried in snow, isn't there?
And, we saw snow friends:
Nicely done with the full-on carrot decor.
Great use of those spikey things for eyes.
You know the ones ... the ones that kill
when your lawn mower spits 'em at you.
And, my favorite. The one with hair.
PC#2 made it, so it's my double favorite.
Before heading inside, Elly got herself a little taste of the good stuff:
"I'd deny it, mommy, but the evidence didn't melt off my nose
fast enough."
And, recently, Aaron told me he saw a runner pick up a water bottle that clearly had been stashed for his later use at a corner in our neighborhood. I adapted such an idea for my own use:

Water is for during; Diet Coke is for after. Ahhh ... yum!
Besides, I found a penny where I bought this for my post-run
pleasure. My money finding has taken a hit with this snow and
inside runs, so finding that helped my world realign!
Once inside, Elly ran to tell the kitties of our adventures, and they listened very attentively:
"Oh, really? You went outside and ran where it's freezing cold
and ate snow while we were cozy in here and not doing a thing?
Wowwww ... sounds greaaaaat ..."
And, then, they watched as Elly trotted off.
"Seriously. She's so stupid."
I'm pretty certain the continued overnight temperatures are going to force another weekend treadmill run. While I'm not excited about that, I'm less excited about the possibility of hitting the right patch of ice the very, wrong way and really hurting myself. The Half is only 5 weekends away! This is not the time to do some damage. Wait ... it's never the time to do damage, but particularly not when I've already paid for the run! (Besides, can I tell you how much it hurt my brain to be on the constant lookout for maybe-maybe-not ice?! It's exhausting.)

Two days of Rest sound great to me! They're not going to be restful, though ... not with this snow and with the awesome sledding route we've made!! However I slice it, I plan for it to be fun! See you on tomorrow's Rest Day!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Finally: A Great Treadmill Run

I woke up early this morning knowing it was likely a treadmill day. And, I was okay with that. THEN it hit me that my 3-mile Wednesdays likely jumped to 4 miles today, and that's when I got a little growly!! Grrrrr ... It's not the 4 miles. It's the 4 miles on a treadmill. But, you already knew that.

With a wee attitude adjustment, I got up and looked outside:
Another inch or so was on top of what we
had yesterday with more drifting down!
That little bit of powder had a big possibility
of slippery running conditions. An inside
run was confirmed!
Elly tried to convince me that we could go out. She didn't spend too long on that, though, and decided it better to just surrender:
"Pleeeeease, mommy, pleeee ... oh, nevermind."
Fortunately, the DVR was working to perfection today, so I had plenty of show options. Today's choice: Monday's The Biggest Loser.
Excellent viewing and a really, really
dirty treadmill. No wonder that machine
is mean ... it's angered over its care.
I had a moment of panic when I couldn't find the headphone adapter, but that was quickly remedied by PC#3 tracking it down for me. Whew!
Thanks Pit Crew!! He brought me a water bottle, too. And,
Aaron set up the treadmill in the first place. I am a lucky gal!
Given this past week has been so out of whack and I've been putting so much snow play on top of the normal groove of life, I knew this run had great potential to be a morning buzz kill. However, remarkably, it was exactly the opposite! There was even a moment where I figured I'd just hit a half mile only to look down and see I just passed a mile and a quarter. THAT NEVER HAPPENS! Ahh ... this was a treadmill experience I've been waiting for! It may never happen again ... but, it might! I now have hope!

Fun little moment -- two of the Biggest Loser contestants went on a hike, and they filmed it with a hand-held camera.
The contestants thought they were going
up the hill to see the Hollywood sign. It
turned out they were on the wrong hill.
I would totally do that.
Because of their technology, I almost fell off of mine: Their filming was so herky-jerky that it literally made me dizzy with the tv right in front of my face. That would have been just excellent. Runrunrunsplat!

Fortunately, I made it through (but, I did look away before their hike finished! I was seriously going down soon!) and could not believe how much I felt I'd rocked that run!
There I am with my friend Jillian. And, I
am victorious. She would be totally proud
of me.
PC#3 was right there to congratulate me. The cranky kitty wanted nothing to do with the celebration, though:
"There's nothing about what you were just doing that looked
fun, but had you fallen, that would have been excellent."
I gave her some love anyway:
"Ser-i-ous-ly, mommy. You smell. Back off."
I really have no idea where I'll be running tomorrow, I just know it's going to happen! Three miles are on the schedule, so I'll check in after they're checked off!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I Love Snow On a Rest Day!

Rest Day perfection:
We woke up to an excellent new batch of snow!
Well, maybe not so perfect for everyone:
"The snow is okay, but I am a bit delicate
for all of this wet on my dainty paws."
It was really wet, but it was really easy to clear. The plows did a great job, so tomorrow's run may just be outside!! WAHOO!!!

When we weren't sledding today, we did awesome inside stuff including playing games. See how the running theme finds its way into my world even in small ways?
I'm not the one who played it, but I did want to play this:
Stupid "no proper nouns" rule!
Here's to hoping I can bust out of the inside groove and get back on the streets! The run must go on either way, so I'll check in after! Stay warm and dry (unless you're sledding!)!

Monday, February 25, 2013

It's Elementary To Me

Seriously, is there anything more boring than running on a treadmill? I swear I tried to keep a good attitude. (I also tried to watch something cool to distract myself, and the DVR wasn't working right ... no cool, recorded tv for me! Drat!) It's just such. a. drag. on the mean machine!

Who knew I could ever totally relate to a random comic such as the following?
The only thing I can think of that might be more boring the running on a treadmill is reading about it. So, it's time to switch the topic!

I promised a little follow up about our almost-friend Maggie. Remember her?
You probably guessed that we strongly considered adopting her. She met every specification I would want if we were to ever get a second dog. As it turned out, she met every specification except for a huge one: Breed. We were told her assumed breed mix is pit bull (her mom's mix included pit bull) and beagle (and, we're not talking Snoopy). I have never wanted to own either breed for a whole host of my own reasons and was kicking myself for completely forgetting to ask her background before I had any inclination of considering her. And, even though once I found out I was pretty certain this was a no-go, I did my due diligence and researched the breeds.

Finding not only nothing to convince me this was a good idea (especially on behalf of our canine and feline family members) but also every reason to believe it was a terrible idea (reasons found on sites advocating owning these breeds!), we knew we had to put an immediate halt to our pursuit in the name of family harmony and peace for all animals involved including the newcomer.

Okay, so, check this out. Upon making this decision, we immediately wrote the organization fostering Maggie. We not only received a return message again advocating for how great she is, but that message also ended with the following statement (and I quote): "Please do not allow her 'breeds' to define her."

Um, were they kidding? Isn't understanding the breed so you are educated about their needs, dispositions and what to expect not Dog Ownership 101? There we were feeling bad about walking away but knowing we were being responsible for the pets we have only to receive a guilt trip and, what I consider, really, really bad guidance.

You already know how much I adore our dog and kitties, and I'm very passionate about protecting them and giving them the very best homes possible. It's crazy to me that someone -- anyone with supposed education and desire for advocacy -- would even suggest putting any of the four animals that would have been involved in a foreseeably bad situation. Even if there was "only" a chance. Even for a trial period. Even for one meet-and-greet. Not cool.
"Oh, I have a list of 'not cool,' mommy. Shall I start with missing
out on two running days? Or, that you're talking about some other
dog? Or, that you're not cuddling me right now?! C'mon, let's
get to cuddlin' and make up for all of this business!!"
That's a dog's world I don't care to rock at all!! ('LOVE HER!!)

Alrighty, it's not only a Rest Day tomorrow, but there is more snow on the way!! It looks like the treadmill continues in my near future ... but, so does a whole lot of snow fun! I'll see you from Rest Day tomorrow!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Run Interrupted

Today's treadmill run got done but barely. Because of a family situation that came up and needed attention, I went by time instead of read-out on the machine to complete my miles today. I know how long it takes me to run a mile. In fact, I know how long it takes to run every combination of miles from 1 to 13, so I thought it best to use that information today and take care of the bigger picture of my world. (I know I'm not alone in being slower on a treadmill than on the roads ... I hate that! It's yet another reason to hate. the. treadmill.)

The whole day confused Elly:
"Running clothes on and no invite to join. What a way to start
a day!! *sigh* "
And, in a day that was full of the unexpected, I give you my favorite (and, by far, most light-hearted!) unexpected moment:
I caught this pic the moment Aaron realized that inflatable
tube popped! (Perhaps it was karma -- that snowball in hand
was to be thrown at PC#3 at the bottom of the hill!)
The more you laugh, the better it all is! I'll see you tomorrow after another sure-to-be treadmill run (plus a little follow-up on yesterday's dog adventure!). See you then.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Ups and Downs

Hey, remember how happy I was about the snow we got? The unfortunate down side to that is there is no way I can run outside tomorrow. BOO!!!! I thought by morning, enough main areas would be plowed and melted enough to create a path. No such luck.

PC#2 and I took Elly out for a short walk mostly so I could test the routes. I found myself very unexpectedly slipping which will only get worse as things refreeze overnight.
I wish you could see how much water she's kicking up onto her
belly. It was a wet walk to say the least! But, she felt awesome
with her looming shadow ... she's so tough!
Clearly, the morning run is for the treadmill. Eight miles of treadin'. That's not cool.

Here's something that was kind of cool today. We feel in deep-like with a dog up for adoption. Her name is Maggie. Check her out:
Very affectionate and so sweet. We so
hope and pray she finds a great home!!
If we were to ever get another dog, she fit almost every quality and criterion. However, her breed mix was not one we thought would be a good fit for our house. I would have strongly considered her if we had no pets. But, we do, and they come first. Besides, we have it crazy-easy with our pets -- no need to rock the boat!!

PC#2 and I talked a little bit about Maggie on our walk. She really seemed to be a sweet dog. But, let's face it -- ours is the sweetest:
"Indeed, I am the sweetest. What is this talk about another dog?
You mean the dog up there that can't even wear a bandana the
right way? Puh-leez. Now, pet me. And, give me kisses."
It was nice to learn my heart was that open to another pet, though. I hadn't really thought much about it ... but, I hadn't thought anything about a dog except "no way" before we met Elly!

So, it was an up and down day. The biggest bummer for me was learning I couldn't run outside tomorrow, though, I'm just sayin'! So, I'll report from after, and I promise to work on keeping my mood positive about it! See you then!

Friday, February 22, 2013

You Don't Waste Snow Like This

Yes, indeed, that's in action as we raced
the young Crewers down that hill! Whee!
'Too busy sledding to rest!! We'll wait and see what tomorrow brings on Rest Day, Take 2!!
See you then!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Just Beat It!

The put snow in the forecast for us today. And, I believed them. No one could seem to decide what time it was really starting, though (could be 5 a.m., could be 7 a.m., could be 9 a.m. ... makes a difference when you need to get yourself back home!). I checked at 5 a.m., and it hadn't yet started, so I procrastinated my morning just a wee bit.

When I finally motivated myself to be up and dressed to run, my very good friend was patiently waiting for me at the door complete with the visual cue of where she wanted to go (thanks for that):
"Patient is a relative word, mommy, but
I'll take it because it makes me sound good."
We were out of the house in the nick of time!
Check out what's on her head!! Not just
snowflakes ... pretty sizable snowflakes
for the onset! This snow front had promise!
Merely feet away from the house, there was already enough of
a dusting to see tire tracks!
It wasn't yet easy to see the snow coming
down, but there was enough to blow around.
There was also enough wind to make Elly's ears go crazy!
I love what cold weather does to spots I might otherwise overlook!
For a short run, I was pretty achy. In fact, I'd not felt that strained in years and was wondering what was making me feel like this was my first time running. Ever. I finally figured out I was feeling the after affects of hauling firewood yesterday in anticipation of today's snow. 'Nothing like a little unplanned cross training to compliment -- or otherwise make me feel like a wuss -- a run! Yeowch!! But, I'll take it to bring on the snow!! (I also applaud those who do pretty maxed out cross/strength training along with whatever else they do. If that were me, I'd just wear myself out and have to battle Elly for a spot on the couch.)

Running in the snow drifting down was just peaceful. Fortunately for Elly, at the time we ran, it wasn't coming down so much that it was a bother to her (by getting the diva wet). Unfortunately for me, that left room for her to be a huge bother to me. The girl does an outstanding job of solidifying her position on the couch while I don't invite her on long runs. I love her, but too many miles of annoying isn't good for anyone.
"It would be good for me, mommy."
We got home not a moment too soon ... we stepped on the front porch, and the sleet started!
Here it comes!! YAHOO!!
With the run behind me and two Rest Days in front of me, I was ready for the snow fun!! I'm having a hard time picturing how to route 8 miles for the weekend, but I'll deal with that later on Saturday. For now, we've had a blast! AND, you've seen my hair do all kinds of crazy stuff from running, but you've not yet seen this:
Those are icicles, baby!!
I'm pretty sure between preparing for the snow, running and playing in the snow, I'm going to be exhausted by the beginning of next week ... but, it's going to be totally worth it!! I'll see you tomorrow on Rest Day!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Elly: Child Dog

Ahh, today started out so much better than yesterday! I'd credit it to running first thing in the morning, but I think it's actually that the computer's auto-fill password situation is behaving today. It's the little things.

Speaking of little things, I have to report that this morning's three were more treacherous than you'd expect. I thought the issue was going to be the cold because the wind chill was supposed to feel like it was 9 degrees out. It totally felt warmer than that, so I don't know who decided 9. Anyway, what today's issue boiled down to is the fact that where Elly used to jump in alarm when a truck or bus passed us, she now startles and jumps right in front of me. And, I do mean right in front. At my feet. It is a wonder I didn't go over the top of her at least three times in the first mile. It's a good time. (I'd take an action shot picture, but do you really think I see it coming?)

It's also a good time when she takes forever to scope out a place to do her business. Multiple times. Is there a question why she doesn't get to join me for the weekend long runs? Just sayin'.

She's cute, though. It's like when you have a small child and that small child is totally annoying you in a moment but then you step back and fall in love with how cute s/he is. Yeah, Elly's like a small child.
"I am like a small child, mommy, and I
should be cherished accordingly. I'm also
like a super model ... check me out ..."
" ... is this my best side? ..."
" ... or, is this? I know, it's hard to choose
because they're both so good."
I've always said you deserve to feel awesome and celebrate yourself after you exercise; Elly is no exception!

We logged our miles, we found a dime, we're all set to face Wednesday! Have yourself a good one, and we'll check in tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Happy Moment

Okay, even though it's Rest Day, I'm really rather cranky because, among other things, we had a power outage yesterday that messed with (read: dropped) whatever it is that maintains your auto-fill passwords on the computer.

Do you know that there is nothing restful about trying to muster up passwords you don't normally have to enter? Just sayin'.

To that end, just logging in here made my head hurt. It's the end of a long day. However, for every bleh in the world there is a big yahoo!!! (I dig how the universe is like that!) Check out today's version of fabulous:
He just got tickets to go to a game. Do you
think he's happy about it?!
Everyone should be that happy at least once a day! I hope you had such a moment today, and I'll see you after the morning run!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Handing Out the Credit

Hello, Monday!! Heading out for a run was a great way to start off the day! If nothing else, I was assured of this one accomplishment! HA!

It took no time before feeling like I was taking this run to task. (That's not typical Monday-speak!!) I mean to tell you I was cruising right along clearly faster than I usually go but seemingly without the required effort to do so. Hmmm ... intriguing ...

Now, I'm a huge believer in not just understanding what is happening in my life but also identifying why (so as to either repeat or run like crazy away from the cause!). And, for as much time as I've spent over the years figuring out why something about a run is a struggle, it's just as important to figure out why I'm suddenly so studly something is going right.

That being said, I had to give credit where credit was due: There was a strong wind behind me! I would have loved for my sudden speed to have been all about me, but it was actually good to realize what was going on because in about another mile, I was going to turn around and head straight into that same wind. That's never good for the ego! But, at least I was prepared for what was coming!

In other reports of giving credit where due, I have to give a nod to our continued use of the Jane Fonda DVD I bought after Christmas. (Yup, "our" use ... Aaron still does it with me. He's kind of part of the challenge because he makes me laugh and I then have to figure out how to maintain balance or form or whatever.) Anyway, remember that part of the DVD's big focus is building balance, and I'm pretty certain that extra work paid off big time at today's 2-mile mark. I was crossing the street to a sidewalk when I admittedly distracted myself by what could have been (but, really, looked nothing like) a penny. I spent far too long visually wishing the blob would transform into a coin and not long enough directing my feet. I saw my left foot kick the very curb I knew was coming, and I knew in that instant that there was a 50-50 shot I was about to be best friends with the sidewalk. I was totally disinterested in taking another dive so soon after my splat earlier this year especially with cars right there waiting at the stop light.

I could tell my flail was pretty spectacular as my right arm and leg stretched out as far as they would go to compensate for the left foot that stayed behind. I'm certain such form called for some theme music! With meerly a teeter to rebalance, I continued on my way as though nothing happened. Thank you, Jane Fonda!

Had Elly been with me, I'm pretty sure I would have tumbled right over her, so I was glad to find a real purpose in leaving her behind this morning. You know, a purpose with which she could totally get on board.
"You left me behind? I already forgot because you're right here
in front of me, mommy. That's all I care about. That and how
yummy you smell right now. Get yourself ready for a Slurrrp! "
Me and my trainer -- Doesn't she look
oh-so-very proud?!
Oh, and check out the penny I did find. You know, the one that actually existed and I didn't almost fall down trying to see:
This penny had a hard start to the week, don'tcha think?
It's like Salvador Dali created it only not quite as weird. I'm
keeping this one with the half-of-a-penny I found last year and
will put a usable penny in its place in the Food Bank bank!
In one further order of business today, I'm excited to report that I have another HUGE SHOUT OUT today!! It goes out to my friend Shanna who has signed up with her daughter to participate in her first-ever 5K this Spring!!

WAHOO, SHANNA!!!!!!!!!

I just found out last night and I'm so excited to cheer them on!!!! They're going to have a GREAT time reaching this goal together!!! I'm so stoked for them!!!

With that, it's on to Rest Day tomorrow, and you'll hear no complaints from me about that! Start your day off just the way you want, and I'll be checking in from here!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Slowed Down Sunday

After yesterday's long run and long day, it was a chillin' day today! Going along with the theme, new fleece blankets were in order for the young Crewers:
Daphne was super-helpful ...
... both times.
Elly would have served herself well just staying right here in
the middle (where she actually wasn't in the way), but she
chose to snarl at the other kitty and got herself in trouble ...
banished off the new fleece and on to the couch. Doofus.
I love slowed-down Sundays!! It sets a great tone for the upcoming week! Also setting a great tone is starting that week with the morning run! I'll see you after!