Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday Number Two

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 193 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 969.2 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 358.8 Money Found For Food Bank: $3.89

Christmas Tree Bird Assault Status: Cat: 1 ; Bluebird of Happiness, 2
'Game On' called on 12/6/14 when bird was placed in tree. Points earned by cat removing bird or bird staying in tree overnight.

Welcome to Monday!! Hey, did you know there are 5 Mondays this December?! But, check it out: Two of those Mondays start off the weeks of Christmas and New Year's, so that rules. And, bonus for me, today's Monday kick starts the week containing my birthday! YAHOO!! It's on Friday this year, and I have to say that that is something to look forward to!! Before getting there, though, we have things to do! Let's get started!

First, I have to share a wee bit of housekeeping business from yesterday and the delicious Spinach Balls recipe. To spare you of trying to figure out what it is I tweaked from the original, here they are:
  • I used garlic powder instead of garlic salt because that's what we have. And, now that I think of it, that's where the salt would have come from that I said we needed to add. Duh. Yes. That just hit me.
  • I used 24 ounces of spinach instead of 20 because I couldn't find the 10-ounce boxes in the store when I shopped (I only had 12-ounce bags available). I wasn't going to another store that day, so I figured I'd reserve the extra until I determined if it was clear the mixture as otherwise written could handle it. It totally could, so don't freak if you have just a little more. It worked.
  • An addition I'm anxious to try out is to coarsely chop and mix in some artichoke heart. That move will definitely require keeping the spinach to 20 ounces -- probably a little less depending on how much artichoke goes in. Frankly, if you combine everything else first then add the veggies, you'll be able to tell when to stop adding to allow the ingredients to bind into their balls.
  • Other than any of that, the recipe was miraculously followed as written. Ta-Da!
In other news, this morning's run was a good one! It was just a little chilly, but it was also damp making the temperature feel cooler. That is, until I got about a quarter mile in, and then I wasn't chilly at all. It was another really gray one, though, and, for as much as I do like a cozy, gray day, there have been too many of them in a row for me. I think I'm craving some sunshine!

I'm also craving those spinach balls ...

My favorite part of today's run was at the end when I was running up a street that a black kitty was walking down. That cat was owning that street to the point that it was not skittish around me in the least. In fact, it didn't break pace when it changed direction to start walking toward me for further investigation. It did stop for a second when it heard a car coming, though. And, when the car passed, it changed direction ...
"I was going this way anyway ..."
... and, hunkered down on this grossness in the middle of the road:
Mmmm ... wet, driven-over bread product.
I left the kitty to its breakfast and wrapped up my run. It was a good one, but I'm hoping for some sunshine to light tomorrow's! Have a great start to your week, and I'll check in after the morning run!

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