Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Weather On a Silver Platter

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 103 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 492.9 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 239 Money Found For Food Bank: $34.73

Well, things didn't go our way for Team USA in the World Cup, did they?! But, holy moly, did anyone else get tired watching just how much those guys runandrunandrunandrunandrun?! It kind of made my legs burn! And, then, there was the 30-minute overtime!

AND THEN I realized they ran -- with a halftime break -- less time than I take to run a Half Marathon, and I felt all studly. It's a twisted way to look at things, but no one gets hurt, so who cares.

In other running news, Elly and I had perfect running weather handed to us this morning!! It was something like 63 degrees when we headed out which is unheard of for July! I was almost drunk on fresh air and the ability to freely breathe (vs. gasping my way through the humidity of late). I was lost in thought the entire way which is not a bad place to be! The walk breaks we've been taking lately weren't even a consideration. It was truly fabulous weather!

I was so spaced out most of the time that I didn't notice anything fun in particular to share today until we were near the end of our run which is when I saw Elly's shadow ...
I was rather captivated by how clearly her tongue showed up.

Oh, but then, to totally be outdone, I came home to find this in my Facebook feed from Paws and Pavement:
So, Elly has a pronounced tongue, and this little guy gets to be a super hero. Seems fair. Elly's a lover not a fighter.

Tomorrow? We rest! There's part of me that wants to go ahead and run just to have the break on the Fourth, but I know better than to not give my muscles some rest. Don't overdo it, kids, it never pays off in the end! Therefore, tomorrow's a break, and I'll check in from there!

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