Monday, July 21, 2014

Old But New. Or, Is It New But Old. Anyway, I Ran Today ...

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 115 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 550.9 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 273 Money Found For Food Bank: $37.28

Hey, new week! Here we goooooooooooooo !! I hope yours starts out just the way you want!! Mine did but didn't as I came home to news that a friend's mom had a heart attack yesterday, and while things seem okay, please pray if you pray (no worries that you don't know who; God knows where to send 'em!), put out the good vibes, whatever you do that blesses others, I'd love if you directed some toward my friend's family! Thanks!!

I wore my paw print
headband just for Elly;
do you think she cared? NO!
Before that news, I did hit the road bright and early this morning, and I did so solo as the dog girl needs her rest and the human girl had plans! So, I realigned my morning routine to a new time and a new-but-old route. It was a refreshing change, and, as I noted to Pit Crew #3 when I finished, it's funny how much faster I can go without the pooch. I had my estimated end time, but I blew it away because I wasn't stopping for someone to sniff every corner or mark some random spot.

Oh, and by "blew it away," I mean I was on my slowest race pace which is precisely where I want to be in those few moments I care during actual training. Being at this pace translates even better in an official race. And, even though my next race isn't for 2 months, I do like that my pace can eek out without my really trying. That just tells me it's in there somewhere!

Before I ever had an inclination that things were physically clicking along so well, I had a great run seeing all sorts of things like this ...
... and, my favorite ally cats had kitties!! Look close!
That mama cat is all, "I'm gonna knock you out if you come any closer," while her kitten is playing and having a grand time. Of course, I kept my distance, so I pulled the pic in as much as possible on the computer. Fuzzy kitty picture is better than no picture at all!

I also spied 46 cents along the route which was suh-weeeeeet!! This one was thankful for the rescue:
Anyway, you could feel it getting warmer out with every step, and that's just how this week is forecast to go! It won't stop me, though. Ohhhh, there's a good chance it will slow me, but it won't stop me!

These next two weeks continue the summer madness schedule contributing to my end-of-the-year goal before I start the official training schedule for October's Half!! I remember planning all of this out and thinking the first weekend in August, which is the start of the Half schedule, was so-very-far away ... and, it's almost here!! Well, I'll focus on these two weeks and enjoying them before making that shift! Have a great start to your week, and I'll check in after the morning run!

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