Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Sweet, Sweet Weather!!

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 112 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 536.4 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 268 Money Found For Food Bank: $36.32

Okay, for real, I don't know what's up with this weather, but I. Will. Take. It!! It was 61 degrees when we headed out!!! Not only does it make for amazing morning running, but it also keeps everyone away from the pool ... PRIVATE POOL, BABY!!! (Remarkably, the water was warm. I knew you'd want to know.)

Anyway, there was no need to convince Pit Crew #2 to come with me today; she was all about it seeing as we all slept with our windows open last night! She's getting a little leery of my trumped-up enthusiasm on those crazy hot-n-humid mornings, but there was no need to try to bait and switch her today!

Seriously, it was a-maz-ing out!! The only real issue, if you will, was Elly's thorough enjoyment to the point that Madame Interval Trainer was righteously on my nerves with her stop-go-stop-go methodology by the end of our five miles! But, if that's the only issue ... Oh, wait ... there was one more when there were mowers coming at us on a sidewalk, but Elly had to stop and use the grassy facilities. She was taking her time then, too, so standing there with her leash felt nothing short of a game of chicken.
Those are the mowers once we were past
and they were in their positions. I didn't
take a picture while everyone was holding
ground. I'm not that stupid ...
I can see it now: "Why did you get smashed by two mowers that you could probably outrun?" "Because my dog was taking her sweet time doing her biz and wouldn't hurry up." SPLAT.

Other than that? All was sweet, and we all made it home safe and sound and with 3 more pennies in my pocket for the Food Bank:
Oh, speaking of the Food Bank, you might recall that Aaron and I pledged all money we find to be donated to the Food Bank as well. I have a place in my purse for it when we find it out and about, and I dug it out to put it in the jar today. Check out what's been hiding in there!
I don't know how much is there, but that's about a week and a half of money we've picked up! CHA-CHING!

Okay, tomorrow I can't run because I have something else to do, but I'll be checking in anyway! Have a great start to your mid-week, and I'll see you tomorrow!

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