Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Oh, Bother

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 120 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 577.6 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 278 Money Found For Food Bank: $39.09

Okay, this is what was in my Facebook feed this morning:
And, my response to it was, "Excuse me, Run the Edge, but I respectfully disagree!" Personally, I had a few items on my just-don't-bother list including I was tired and, more importantly (or, at least different), I seem to have a wee touch of a cold. It's definitely a wee one, but it's indisputably there. And, at 6:30 in the morning when I'm not quite awake, I'm quite certain that running is the very antidote to getting better. I mean, why push it only to make this little Summer sneeze attack turn into a full-blown case of influenza, amiright ?! Because, that's how it works, right?: Cold leads into the most detrimental manifestation of influenza especially when antagonized by running a few miles, yes?!

I can only say it's probably a good thing that I come to my senses pretty quickly after actually getting myself out of the bed. Oh, the sneezes were there, but, really, it just wasn't that big of a deal today. So, out I went ... with the pooch!!

Having a foggy head plus this onset of bea-u-ti-ful weather worked to Elly's advantage today! She's not been out since tweaking her muscle a couple of weeks ago. I'm sure she has been fine for about a week, but the humid weather is not good for her. Good golly, she's contrary enough on the best of days (like, um, TODAY), I cannot imagine her in weather that actually validates her resistance to forward motion!

Anyway, I leashed up my pal, and off we went. I decided to run when I felt it and walked when my body called for it. Sometimes, if you're quiet enough to listen, your body will tell you what it needs to get going. This is a completely different situation than the one I recently saw on a hoarding show where the featured woman said her clothes talk to her, fyi.

I only really needed to walk a few spells in the first two miles; everything seemed to fall into place after that. For me. The Contrarian was a bit of a different story because just as soon as I found my groove, Elly totally lost hers for about a mile. In fairness, the first two miles are out-and-back, so, when we got back, she was ready to be finished. She caught on after another mile of negotiating the route back and forth with me ("Seriously, Elly ... this way ..."), and the last two miles were pretty easy breezy for all.

I found a good chunk of change collectively all over the place (27 cents sending the Food Bank total over the $39 mark!), and I saw something I've not seen in a very, very long time: There was a man talking on a pay phone. Whuuuuuuuut ?! I have passed that phone many times always with the assumption that it either no longer works or that no one uses it. As I passed today, I could only think, "There's one more spot to check for cha-ching!"

Of course, I have no picture. I thought it might be weird-rude-potentially inciting drama-creepy to just stand there and take a picture of a guy I don't even know. I could hear the conversation now:

Unsuspecting man: What the ...?!
Me: Don't mind me. I just like to blog about my running adventures.
Unsuspecting man: (meets my look with his own bewildered one)
Me: No. Really. That phone probably has more to do with what I write than the actual words about running. Say cheese!

I thought better of the whole thing and just kept going. But, seeing someone on a pay phone is most definitely not a common site!

Ah, but this one is:
She makes it very difficult to be annoyed
with her contrary ways when she's that
darned cute!
Tomorrow has another 5 on the calendar which will be easier than today because I know on the other side of it is a Rest Day! Sometimes, getting to Rest Day is my biggest inspiration!

Use whatever works to inspire yourself, and I'll see you after the morning run!

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