Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 107 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 511.9 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 253 Money Found For Food Bank: $35.52

There was a theme going on with the run this morning, and that theme was Thankful. We had a helluva storm last night hitting right when we were wanting to go to bed. But, with the kind of winds we were having, there was no way we were going to miss the end of The Bachelorette we'd recorded be able to fall asleep! I was really surprised there weren't any tornado watches or warnings, but, apparently, I don't fully understand meteorology just by looking at the sky.

Anyway, we were very fortunate to not have any damage, we kept power (even though it was trying its darndest to go off which totally messed with our Bachelorette viewing, just sayin') and the storm, as they say, passed. But, this morning's run showed this running trio ('got my girl out of bed, I did!) that just a mile up the road, things like trees didn't fare very well!
"Umm ... mommy?"
This was a total drag because that very
tree lost a big limb in the last storm and
was just removed from the property.
Indeed, we were very fortunate through that storm. This morning's run told me so.

Tonight promises to be a lot more calm! We'll be back at it tomorrow! 'See you after!

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