Thursday, July 17, 2014

Turn It Around

This'll make more sense in a minute ...!
So, yesterday, I completely and totally ran out of steam by early evening (and, by "early," I mean 5 p.m.!!)! It was that kind of day ... the one where I can't wait to rip my contacts out of my eyes, put on my jammies and call it a day! Now, I'm more cautious than that with my eyeballs, but I'm pretty sure it was jammies-by-5. I just can't remember anymore. I also made a decision to throw caution to the wind and not even bother with writing about how righteously unrestful that Rest Day was! I curled up on the couch instead.

My affliction? Here it is: A bombardment of people not listening and right-fighting. (No, not my people ... others in the world.) And, I find nothing more exhausting in the whole world than having to navigate my way through that particular brand of time wasting. I swear I would be less exhausted running a marathon than dealing with that. I know how I feel after a Half, so, I'm mentally double that feeling, and, yep ... still betting I'd feel better after 26.2 miles than 20 minutes of being told (unproductively, I might add) how wrong I was about something I wasn't even discussing. Nice.

(Upon relaying the theme of the story to Pit Crew #3 later in the day, I wrapped up my synopsis with, "The basic focus of their side was to prove they were right at all costs even though we weren't talking about the same thing. And, you know how much I love that." to which he immediately and sincerely responded, "Oh, I know, Mom. I knowwwww ..." Smart boy.)

And, later, I encountered another crazy-defensive individual (again defending a topic rather than focusing on a productive solution), and it just wiped me out. Defensiveness makes me sad because it's such a waste. of. time.

The day was not a total wash, though, because not only did PC #2 get her braces off, but, to celebrate, I took both kids to the store to score the kinds of treats one couldn't eat and the other didn't have access to for a couple of years:
Those aren't just gummy worms. No, they're gummy octopus!
I also realized that I have plenty-o-miles banked for my end-of-the-year goal to not have to "make up" yesterday's non-running day and still have a Rest Day today! YAHOO!! So, PC#2 and I have been making it a great day inside and outside this morning with all kinds of things to look forward to with the entire family for the rest of the day!

Just like with anything, the bad stuff turns around. Bad days, bad runs, bad conversations ... it takes work, and it takes a decision to do so, but it can turn around!

I hope your day is calm and peaceful, and I'll check in after we're back at the morning run tomorrow!

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