Monday, July 14, 2014

The Will Is Strong

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 111 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 531.4 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 263 Money Found For Food Bank: $36.29

Happy Monday, and a great start to the week to you!! I hope you launched your week in a great way!! Over here, Pit Crew #2 blew off the idea of running with me, and I blew off Elly because the temperature was too hot. It would have been a full-circle morning if Elly had participated, but she's just a pooch.

In truth, I really did not feel like going running today, but that wasn't enough reason not to. So, out I went! And, check out what I saw as soon as I stepped out the door:
Look close!
I was kind of hoping there'd be a message in there a la Charlotte's Web to the effect of, "Goooo back to beeeeeeeed ..." but, there was nothing. So, off I went.

There were a lot of these along the way today, too ...
Again, no messages in them. So, I kept going.

Along the enter route today, I kept thinking about that saying, "If I can do it, anyone can." I was thinking of it in general, and not personal to me, but it still bugged me because I hate that statement. ("If she can do it, so can I," "If they can do it, so can you," ... Hate 'em. All of 'em.) I can't stand the sentiment because it immediately dismisses the work that person put in. It's as though that person has some deficit others don't; that somehow, that person starts off behind the 8 ball. Maybe they do, and maybe they don't. But, who is to judge? I just don't like it.

More often than not, it's not a matter of 'can' but a matter of 'will'. That was certainly the case for me even during all of those years I didn't understand what was going on in my science classes ... oh, wait ... same concept, different topic ... Let me start again: The matter of 'can' vs. 'will' came in to play all of those years I said I couldn't run/wasn't a runner. Interestingly, many of those years were the same ones as when I was playing a whole lotta soccer. Hmmm ... I probably shouldn't have been saying, "I can't run," those days and, rather, "I really just don't want to." THAT was more accurate!

I'm not exactly sure why that dominated my thought process this morning -- perhaps because I started the whole gig off by hushing the, "I just don't feel like it" voice in my head for the first half mile!

Five miles and 8 cents later, I wrapped it up to take on what was in front of me on this Monday! The week will be a little off schedule, but it has promise to not be as higgly-piggly as the last couple of weeks, so I'm looking forward to it! Have a great start to your week (because you can), and I'll check in after the morning run!

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