Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 116 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 555.9 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 273 Money Found For Food Bank: $37.57

* It's like this ... I totally forgot to title yesterday's entry. And, clearly, I was not inspired to do so. However, it will be easier to find later with a title, so it got the most appropriate one I could think of ... And, now, on with our story ...

'Loved the three colors of flowers on
this whatever it is when I saw it today!
Just now, I was thinking about my run while I was working. No, not because it was such a super-star performance. It's because my legs are on fire. Truthfully, they felt that way when I got up, so, what's better than to put 5 miles on 'em, huh?!

As usual, about a mile into the run, everything loosened up. And, as usual, a few hours post-run, they're screaming at me. I don't think it's just the running, though. I think it's the combination of running, sudden hot weather (which sucks the life out of your muscles) and this custom-rules basketball game we play in the pool. All I'm saying is just because it's more refreshing to run around and jump and sometimes get hit in the face in the pool, it's not much less demanding on the body especially when, sometimes, you get really lucky with a big jump to swish a long shot (Do you hear the crowd? They're going WILD!).

I love playing, and it's certainly hard to say no to my boy when he's so excited to play with me and all of us. So, I'll take the screaming thighs and accommodate when needed. That happened this morning when I took two walk breaks on my route in an effort to not let the humidity, temperature and run itself fatigue me so early in the morning. While I took a sip of water, I even told myself, "This was a smart move. Good one."

And, that's when four teenage boys ran (like, really ran, not jogging run like I do) past me. My bet was they were conditioning for the upcoming Cross Country season. I couldn't help but laugh at the dichotomy right there on the corner. As I noticed them pass, I could only think, "Okay, I get it, I'm old!" And, while I don't feel old, I'm easily twice their ages, and it made me laugh. I also thought about how, at their ages, I couldn't run as long as I do now, though, and then I felt fantastic.

When I started up again, I looked forward and saw them way in the distance. See?
I look at that pic and just smile. I don't expect anyone else to do so, but I do.

And, as I sit here with my burning legs and my lingering recovery from the toll this weather really does take on your body, I have Oprah's Master Class on in the background where she features a celebrity who discusses his or her life lessons (I'm a total sucker for just about any kind of biography). The intro to the show has sound bites from past guests, and this one could not have been more perfect for exactly how I was feeling the moment I heard it:

"We are not meant to be perfect. We are meant to be whole."

It looked like Jane Fonda said that; it was difficult to tell given the graphics. No matter who, though, that was brilliant.

My run today* was far from perfect. But, it most certainly was a big piece of completing exactly who I want to be today, exactly the way I wanted to do it.

* today ... every day ... to-may-toe ... tuh-mah-toe ...

And, tomorrow? It's another running day! No matter how it happens, it will happen! I'll check in after; see you then!


  1. The boys story made me think of my running group where the slowest of them is still 2 1/2 mins per mile faster than me. I am not terribly bothered by it anymore - I bring up the rear of the troops. But what I do find funny is that I actually do math while I run to distract me. I figure out how far ahead they are from me! Really! i.e. If we are running 4 miles and friend A is 3 minutes faster than me - then for every mile she'll be 3 mins ahead so she will finish 12 mins before me. Its a little twisted but I can't seem to help it!

    1. I think it's a little awesome, not twisted! What you're doing puts it all in a reality perspective, not a judgmental one! I also kind of like knowing "my" pace ... I like that it has developed, and I like being able to plan with it! Keep on doing the math out there!! I do mental math while running, too, and I always ALWAYS mess it up :) !!

  2. I used to run with headphones but when I run with a group I don't - I think that is when the mental math started.
