Friday, May 10, 2013

Deep Breath Day

Through all of my crabbiness yesterday, my mind was busy in the background making a plan for today. And, that plan was to focus as much as I could on things that are good and simple. Foremost in that plan was to use my normal running time planting flowers. Let's say it together ... Ahhhhhhh ...
This is now the view right outside my kitchen window. YAY!!
And this is across from my sitting spot ...
that place on the deck where I have my
water and rub the puppy's ears after a
long run!
While planting, I also received a phone call from a dear friend who knew I was still cranky. She called to lend an ear. Boy, did that ear get full! I told her I was planting flowers and how that was my grand plan for the day in an effort to hit the reset button. She said that it sounded like a great "Deep breath day." Fabulous!
That's my friend Cindy! She's married to my friend Woody ...
you remember him ... a running pal and beer mug hat wearer.
She's the one who let me fill her ear with a load of crap.
That's a good friend! She does not want to run, but she's
a fan-tab-u-lous cheerleader and co-conspirator on some of
our Pit Crew/running shirts!
It was great to talk to her because, as you know, I very purposely surround myself with people who bring out the best in each other. I'm all about support for one another in whatever capacity needed. That's a big part of why my family isn't just appreciated for coming to my runs; it's why they are wrapped in the Pit Crew name.
Family and friends who insist you see yourself as being
the best totally rock my world. In a good way.
It's an all-for-one, one-for-all situation I have going on with my family and with my friends. 'Any question how many ways I feel blessed even on the crankiest of days?!

So, after a pretty rough week that rounded out with one last hurrah (fingers crossed!) of BLEH, I'm looking forward to starting the weekend with a very long run. Just me and the road. (And the road kill I saw when I was out today in light of which I am rethinking my route, just fyi.) I'm looking forward to completing this one -- 10 miles is the distance where I've tanked twice in the past trying to maintain the higher miles after a Half. Let's see if the third time is the one that's charmed!

Thanks for hanging in there with me while life overshadowed the simplicity of the run! I'm anxious to check in after tomorrow's because I fully intend to report a success!! Deep breath ...!!!

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