Sunday, May 12, 2013

Way Better Than Running

Hello, hello!!!! It's Mother's Day, and you know The Crew, so it probably goes without much explanation that it's been a great day around here!!

The day started out great with the opportunity to sleep in, The Crew gave me some great gifts, and Elly took us all for a walk! That was her gift to me until she went ballastic at a dog many houses ahead of us off its leash and lost her mind. That's when the walk became all about her, so Aaron hung out with her while the young Crewers and I proceded to a cul-de-sac to scope (and find!) pennies. Then the five of us reunited and finished our walk together. I forgive her; that's what happens sometimes when you're five.

From there, we had things to do ... like go make the gift I wanted to share with you that I knew was coming! It's the shirt for the upcoming Half! Keeping in mind the focus of the run is on women, check out my super-fab shirt!
Check it out in the sun --
When the sun hits those letters, it makes 'em dance!
It's worth the burn to the retina these produce!
If it turns out the weather keeps me from upgrading my registration at the Go Girl run, then this shirt's inaugural run will be with PC#2 and our Virtual Sparkle Cupcake Run!

Aaron gave me a very appreciated gift:
Two more binders of the blog in hand! And, there's last year's
Mother's Day entry! Awesome! (Yes, we're even wearing the
same shirts. Because we're that awesome.)
The day wasn't entirely running themed ... we had ourselves a treat while waiting for the shirt:
Sweet, sweet goodness!
In last year's Mother's Day entry, I wrote that if I never ran another step, it just wouldn't matter because look who's in my life!! Allow me to be repetitive. I love these two so much I could hug the stuffin's outta them!!

It's been a very fabulous day!! There's not a time I didn't want to have children, but I never knew I would be blessed to the extent I am!! Thank you to my whole Crew for an awesome day! I'll be smiling while I reflect on during tomorrow's run! See you after ...

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