Thursday, January 24, 2013

Good Thing This One Was Short

I came back from running all kinds of annoyed. My day was longer and more physically demanding than I usually have the day before any kind of run (good thing this one was short!), and the dog ended up annoying me more than usual.

The funny thing is that along the way, Elly kept stopping to sniff or mark, and I was actually quite fine with it because I welcomed the mini breaks. (If I stretched out better, this would not be an issue. But, I digress.) But, just when I thought to myself, "This girl really knows just what I'm needing today ..."
"You bet I know what you're needing, mommy. I've always
known. It all started with the day I gave you my best I-love-you
eyes at the pound, and it went from there."
... she shifted her mode from a leisurely jog to a full-on sprint to the finish! I never like when she takes off because she's all crazed about it, and my arm gets yanked around. Never cool.

She was such a moron about it today that we had some time-out time in the driveway:
"I knew you were thinking I was a moron,
mommy. That's why I wrapped up my
time-out with a resounding fart."
Oh, yes. she. did.

Oh, and then I came home and had the following exchange with Aaron:

Me: "While I'm certain it needs to be colder to get frostbite on your tongue, I did make a concerted effort to keep mine more in my mouth to keep it warm."

Aaron, with that I'm-trying-not-to-laugh-right-at-you look: "You run with your tongue hanging out ?"

Me (a bit perplexed since he's seen me run many times, not once with my tongue way out of my mouth): "Um, my mouth is open ... and, cold air  gets in there ... on my tongue ..."

Aaron said nothing. He just looked at me. I suppose that's all that topic deserved.

So, that run is in the books -- annoying or not!

Would you like to know what's not annoying? First, it's not annoying to "do our Jane Fonda" with Aaron. Not only is it always more fun with a friend, but he's rather witty in his make-fun-of-what-we're-doing-but-still-do-it ways -- which is totally different from making fun of my earlier topic of conversation. Chatting through a workout video totally works. We did the lower body routine today, and that took the edge off of the end of my run. (Well, knowing tomorrow's a Rest Day helped, too!)

Also not annoying? Finding the perfect present for a friend. You might remember my friend Woody from runs past:
There we are all awesome having finished a St. Pat's 5K!
It's very appropriate I found a St. Pat's run pic of us because look at the present we just gave him:
Sometimes, when you find the perfect present, you also have
to get one for yourself. It just proves how awesome you think
it is!
I told Woody that if we decide to do the St. Pat's run this year, he has  to wear that hat. It's like a rule now. St. Pat's run = Awesome beer mug hat.

Festive-wear decision made.

With that, it's time to not think about running for a number of hours!! Sometimes, you just get a little whipped. Today, I'm whipped! Here's to hoping I don't feel like this tomorrow:
Enjoy whatever leads you into your Friday! I'll be checking in on Rest Day!

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