Saturday, May 18, 2013

Over the Top!

Talk about a long run paying off!!! LOOK!!
That is one fat stack of cash ... scattered
all over Aaron's hand ...!
That's 40 cents of finds today!!! YAHOOOOOO!! I only needed five more cents to beat last year's donation, and I scooped up 40!!! Here's how it all went down today!!

It was one of those mornings where you know you're getting up earlier than usual, so you actually get up way earlier, even earlier than you need, simply because you know early is in the plan. I planned to get up at 6 a.m.; it seemed my brain (note, I didn't say my body) was all about getting up at 5 a.m. I didn't actually get out of bed, but I never went back to sleep, either.

You'll note I'm setting the stage for my being quite tired this morning.

I was out and about by 6:30 a.m. Already 62 degrees, I could tell this was going to be a warm one! I threw my fabulous wicking headband on, but I wanted to check it out. So, I took a picture of myself. See?
I said I was tired ...
It took no time at all to feel like this run was going to be really pretty terrible. I felt tired all over the place, mentally and physically. But, to be perfectly honest, I didn't really care. Intererestingly enough, I was totally good with simply participating in the activity no matter how it felt. In part, I'm motivated by next weekend's run, and it's a great idea for me to stay in tune with especially those runs that feel bad. Then, should the official run feel the same way, I'll already know I've been-there-done-that, and I won't put a lot of energy into being concerned about it. In many ways, that's what I did this morning, too -- drew from the past to make this run as fun as possible!

Just after the first mile, I found my first penny. That always motivates me. Seriously, it puts me in a whole different dimension of feelin' good once there's some change in the ol' pocket! At that same point, I surveyed the land of muscles and could feel every, single one of them. That's not a good thing, by the way. It just reinforced the tired status, but I figured I'd shake out soon enough. Or, I wouldn't, and the finish would feel fantastic. Either way, I win!

I routed myself through my change go-to-drive-thru, but it failed me. That could be because I frequent it enough to clean it out, but, to be honest, I think the crew there has my intention figured out and are going out snagging the mad cash before I can get to it. I can get on board with that!

Besides, I checked out another drive-thru about a mile later, and ba-da-bing!!!
This sent me way over the top of the
donation!! S.U.P.E.R.S.C.O.R.E!!
That one hardly ever has money, so this was awesome! I also ventured into another nearby; it was already open but had no one in line. I, having no shame, ceased the opportunity and scored yet four more cents!
Suhhh-weeeeeet !!!!
With all of the findings, you can assume I thought this ...
... was a credit card. MAMA NEEDS A NEW PAIR OF SHOES!!! Okay ... first ... No I don't. Second, and more important, I totally would have taken it and called it in as lost. On some topics, my standards are low, but I do have them. (It's a gas station gift card, by the way, in case you were curious.)

Okay, it was here (in the ballpark of 5ish-could-be-6 miles) that I started in on my water. I could have used some earlier, but it was more of a want than a need at that point. Besides, starting on the water when running is much like when you wait to go to the bathroom when you're drinking, and, once you go, the 'seal is broken' and you have to keep going to the bathroom. Only, this is completely the opposite situation. Once the water goes in, the body keeps demanding it. I quickly realized, however, that there was no need to ration the water (which I sometimes have to do and hate) because there were multiple stores along the way where I could stop for a refill!! Yeahhh!!! That's using the noodle!
I saw a family running together at Roots and Blues two years
ago that stopped in at a convenience store along the way to get
water and/or Gatorade (probably because there were only two
drink stations along those 13 miles for crying out loud). I had
a hard time embracing that option at that point thinking I'd feel
like I 'hadn't done it'. Today? WHATEVER, bring on the
water because I'm thirrrrrrssstttttyyyyyyy!!! 'Tis hot out there!
I was grateful to have a full water bottle at this point with 3ish miles to go. I was also thankful for finding a little pal along the way!
Check him out!!! He's so cute!!! And, heading toward the road
with the big curbs!!!
Seriously, dude, you are screwed if you topple over that curb.
Just. Sayin'.
Look how small!!!!
This little one gave me a big hiss to the tune of,
"Woman, please."
Before putting him in the grass facing the safe direction, I had
to put him one more place to show his size. I was glad he
didn't pee on my pretty shoes, by the way.
Seeing this little guy was really fun! The stop was totally worth being there when the guy running with his dog farted right when he passed me. It was one of those, "Did I just hear that?" moments until he did it again. Then I knew. He did say "excuse me" both times, so I had to give him that. And, I had a picture of him where I was going to crop him out and only show his feet (you know, just as a little visual of running farter), but his shoes were distinctive. And, coupled with his dog's legs, I didn't want to run the risk of embarassing him. So, it remains just a story of nature taking hold at an inopportune time all the while presenting me with a fun pal to save from certain squish if I let him continue toward the street with the big curve. It was quite the nature dichotomy. Nature's funny like that.

Finding money in all of these random places is also funny. I'm pretty sure I found a few more cents between the turtle and the finish, but I stopped retaining such thoughts. It was getting hot, and I was getting tired (I forgot to mention that I eventually got in a groove and didn't feel quite so tired along the way ... notable at this point seeing as I mentioned getting tired ...).

I came home to a Diet Coke, an Everything bagel and hugs and kisses from everyone including ...
Awww ... you guessed it!! I let her know
I ran just the way she taught me. And,
she was pleased.
I laughed at my time when I got home because it was way under what I expected (and would have embraced, by the way). It's nice to know these years of consistency are paying off letting my body do its thing no matter what I feel like -- especially in my head. This whole journey has most certainly become about just enjoying versus having to coach myself so much that I'm totally annoyed by the time I'm finished. It took a long time to get there. Well, dreadfully long if you're one who wants things to happen immediately and don't find value (and have no patience in) the process. I'm a patient gal, though. So, I'm okay with long. I just knew it would be worth it.
And, tomorrow? We rest!! See you then!!

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