Monday, May 13, 2013

Just Right

Happy start of the week to you!! Monday started out just the way it should and just the way I needed ... with a little jaunt!! I had Elly with me, so you know it was one of those site-seeing tours with a little running mixed in. That totally worked for me, though (she almost walking out in front of a car when we were waiting at a light did not work for me at all, but everyone lived through it, and I am forever thankful for the person who invented the very structural and durable purple leash. Just sayin'.)

I'm feeling very good about the run in two weekends. I've fully and completely embraced my PR status of it. A time personal record? Nooooo. (Like it's proactively ever time. Please.) The PR is doing it at all. I tried last year and was unable to train through it. This year, taking another one seven weeks later at any speed is huge for me. So, I'm good to go if the weather allows!

Here were two notables from today beyond putting in the miles. First, we found prizes:
Not many can say they've found a quarter
of a quarter ...
The funny thing about those pennies is that I, personally, have probably passed over them, by the looks of them, dozens of times. My coinoscopic vision was finely tuned on this Monday, though, and I'm inching closer and closer to exceeding last year's donation even though I'm only half way there time wise!! I only need 17 more cents to beat it! WAHOO!!

My favorite notable is that Elly and I called each other and coordinated our attire, she by wearing the bandana that started it all. In fact, it's the Survivor (yes, the show) bandana I bought at a garage sale
for a quarter being a huge fan of the show and all. I put it on Elly when we first got her (she just seemed to need one), and she loved it! (Now, she just looks naked without one.) Anyway, there were are ... twinies!

It's time to rest tomorrow! The great thing is that for the first time in a couple of weeks, I'm not anxious for a day off!! I'll take it anyway, but it's nice to not feel that a scheduled Rest Day is a critical component to very well being! (Dramatic? Perhaps. But, it's Monday and I spent four miles with sun in my eyes which likely penetrated my brain.)

Here's to hoping all things are on an upswing ... they sure started out that way this week, so let's keep going! I'll see you tomorrow from Rest Day!

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