Friday, May 3, 2013

Tasty Breakfast, Here I Come!

So, there I was a few days ago poking around at different running links on Facebook when I stumbled upon "the Fitness Recipes". (Click here for their website.) I cruised through and found a recipe that looked really good, so I earmarked my brain to try it out this morning. I mean, it's Rest Day and all, so let's play in the kitchen!

It's a recipe for Fritatas, and I'll share the food part in a sec. But first, a story (you knew there had to be one). Okay, the recipe looked both easy and fancy all at the same time when I was eyeballing it on a random afternoon. Then, I woke up this morning and thought, "Um, basically, it's an omelet. You know how to make omelets." Then I thought that it's not really an omelet because everything gets baked together instead of placed in between the eggs. Then  I thought, "Okay, then, it's a breakfast casserole. Still not new." THEN I thought I didn't care what it was like  because I was obviously struck by it as a new way to infuse veggies into something I already enjoy and regularly eat. (Seriously, there's a lot of thinking going on over here all.the.time.) So, the analysis stopped, and I headed to the kitchen!

I have to admit up front that I totally used their recipe (here) as a guide and just did my own thing because I was only making breakfast for one. And I didn't have most of the ingredients they used. And their ingredients are listed in the metric system, and I don't have the patience to convert everything. And I already had leftover veggies from veggie pizza I wanted to use.

You have to use these pretty quick or they smell ... you've been
there, you understand! Hence the reason I was drawn to this
recipe ... even if I totally went rogue!
I have a very small stoneware cooker that fits in our toaster oven, so that was perfect to make this dish. I just layered the bottom of the cooker with these veggies plus some chopped baby spinach, and I poured beaten egg over the top to cover (3 whites and a whole). I also salted and peppered the mixture, then I popped it in the toaster oven at 350 degrees (that conversion I did look up) for 30 minutes. Voila!
I sprinkled it with red pepper flakes (because I love that on all eggs) as well as some garlic powder. I should have used a clove of minced garlic in the mixture as a whole. That would have brought the flavors out better, but for totally screwing up (aka: blowing off ... kind of like stretching ...) the spicing portion of this program, it was really, really good!

A very long time ago, I used to collect recipes because they looked awesome to try. Then I'd realize how much work they were, and they'd just sit and collect dust. Fast forward to today, and I look at recipes for inspiration to use or reuse what I already have and already like. And, if there's a way to sneak in more veggies (especially ones I don't tend to eat on a regular basis), I'm all for it!

May this inspire you to dig in the fridge and make something cool out of things that are just hanging out. Or, maybe you go the whole other direction and order out. Either way, enjoy your Friday! Tomorrow's another day of Rest (yay! says the leg!), so I'll check in then!

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