Thursday, May 2, 2013

Quick Turnaround

Contributing to yesterday's hesitation about running this morning was the battle my thigh and I have been having. I strained it three days before April's Half moving some furniture (perfect timing), and I wore it out leaving every bit of me on that course (totally worth it). I figured it was something that would just work itself out, which is how these things usually go for me, but it's been carrying on for almost a month now with no relief. It's also one of those things where the pain ebbs and flows, so I get faked out a lot thinking it's gone. And, it hardly ever hurts while  running. Then, usually overnight, my leg feels like its on fire which is a very special brand of awesome.

I haven't been talking about this because I don't tend to dwell on things I think will just eventually go away. There are all sorts of pains and aches that come with the territory now and then, but being aware of them while not overdoing things usually lets them run their course and move on. (That's where being a hobby runner vs. a hard core runner totally works to my advantage -- Chill out and take some runs really easy? I'M TOTALLY IN!)

Yesterday, though, the ol' leg was blazing  from the moment I got up, through the run (that was new) and for the duration of the day, and I began to wonder if I shouldn't consider taking the upcoming Half off the table and giving it a bit of a rest. But, in very solid I DON'T WANT TO DO THAT fashion, I remembered I have samples of Icy Hot from one of the Expos. Two rounds of slathering that goodness later, and I woke up with a leg that said, BRING IT ON.

Aaron even stopped at the store on his way home to get me a whole tube. YEAHHH!!
I worked very hard to be all 1970s commercial about it. Like, I
see a friend, whip out the tube and am all, "So, friend, would
you like some Icy Hot? I happen to have some right here."
By the way, I was mildly disappointed that the regular stuff doesn't come with the same warning as is on the for-arthritis variety. Fortunately for you, and so you don't think I'm totally lying about it, I have some sample sizes complete with the same warning:
It's right there in bold so you can't miss it. What do they
mean, "If"? Aaron suggested perhaps you're supposed to
lick it on. Like a cat.
I think the most appropriate word right now is, Anywayyyyy ...

My desire to go ahead and run this morning was, of course, music to the pooch's ears (the softest canine ears ever, by the way). It was short and sweet, but we still went. My leg felt great, and Elly had a fabulous time with her sniffer. The Food Bank wins with another nickel find, and Elly, who I usually insist run on the pavement or concrete not only to file down her nails but to also keep her a little more focused (grass has awesome smells hiding in it), got a huge stretch of fake trail running when our sidewalk came to an unexpected end.
Elly loved being in the grass, but I made tracks to the street. I
am not a fan of uneven ground and could just see myself tripping
or twisting something. I have to hand it to train runners -- I'm
not interested because the possibility of footwork hazards
does not appeal to me!
It's crazy what a difference a day makes. Yesterday, I felt a little defeated in my lofty plans. I was exhausted (not really from running; life gets in the way of my fun pursuits sometimes!). My leg really hurt. And, I had a difficult time even visualizing a productive long run this weekend much less a strong one.

(I didn't really talk about this stuff yesterday because, frankly, I figured the feelings of doubt and/or defeat would pass. It's like when people dated in high school and they had some stupid fight then broke up only to be back together two days later only to repeat the cycle a few more times until we were all bored with them. Yeah, I wasn't a breaker-upper unless I was d.o.n.e. That's why you didn't know I had any doubts yesterday. They need to sustain to be discussed. Like problems I have with my shoes. Now, there's a topic that sustains. Although these Nikes with their awesome rainbow shoestrings are doing very well. And, they're so pretty. Did I mention I put rainbow shoestrings in them? They're also breaking in nicely. Yeah, shoes get discussed. Doubts? Eh. They're not shoe-complaint worthy.)

And, then, there's today. We finished strong and happy. See?
"I'm always happy, mommy. Now, how 'bout those
We Finished hugs and kisses?"
Always my pleasure;
Always my favorite part of the run!
I'll be slathering up with the Icy Hot for a few more days! I'm so excited to have something to give some relief because toughing it out just wasn't working! (I love the smell, too, by the way. I remember that smell from high school. It was always cool when someone needed the medicated cream smeared on them because it smelled so good. I never wanted anyone hurt, but, if they were going to be hurt, at least it came with a good smell.)

I'm also excited because I came across a site with some awesome looking recipes -- I'm going to make one in the morning and give you the full scoop! Until then! Don't let one bad day turn your plans and your excitement upside down! Do what you need to do to help yourself, and keep on keepin' on with your vision! I'll see you tomorrow from the kitchen!

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