Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Well, That Was a Surprise!

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 234.1 (running: 129.8; walking: 10.5; biking: 93.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $26.57

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 234.1 Aaron: 191.25 (b: 174.45; w: 16.8)  Elly: 37.2 Total: 462.55

From the minute I started up this morning's run, it was clear Spring is working on springing!
There is hardly any evidence left of last week's snow and cold. There were only a few of these 'rebels' as Pit Crew #2 calls them:
I'm so thankful for it to almost all be melted. I don't think there's a person out there who is a fan of ice, amiright ?!

It also rained overnight, so there was a definite Spring smell to the air. It was both wet and fresh, and it was awesome for running! By the way, as I was enjoying breathing it all in, I gave yet another whirl to that whole 'breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth' thing because I was recently reading an excerpt from Kristin Armstrong's Mile Markers book where she was instructing her child to do so. That's honestly the only reason it came to mind. Anyway, that is something I've just never been able to do with any kind of success or efficiency. I can never get enough air in. I couldn't do it in junior high nor high school when instructed to do so during the track part of gym class. I tried; same fail. I'm beginning to wonder just how different the nose structures are of different people. Some must have much wider openings to breathe like that. Just sayin'.

This run was crazy strong from the get go. I can't say I expected that even though I did want it to be. There was not one, single hill nor incline of any level that gave me any trouble. At all. If I'm being honest, I'm giving a heap-ton of credit to the realigned focus to how and what I'm eating so that I'm fueling myself in a more optimal way. This is something I've avoided learning much about over the years because, frankly, it was more complicated and more cumbersome than I felt I could or even wanted to take on. I found myself ready, then I found Trim Healthy Mama, and I think I'm about to find a whole new level of enjoyment in my running! I still won't be on the podium until I'm in a much older age group (and probably the only one entered in that group! ha!), but I know I'm on the road to keeping this groove going on and on! Wheeeee!!

Speaking of food, check out what just came out of the oven:
Another THM inspired dish I'm going to have to hide from
everyone I can wait to share with the fam ...
It's a hodge podge of almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, shredded coconut and ground flax mixed up with some coconut oil, sweetener and vanilla. Baked for an hour at 300 degrees. No turning or shaking in the middle of baking necessary. Holy. Yum.

Yup. I did that. But not before coming home to my sweet pooch who did not get to join me but loves me anyway:
The Tuesday to-dos still await, so I must get to them! Thanks for checking in, and I'll see you after the morning run!

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