Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Next Step

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 237.1 (running: 132.8; walking: 10.5; biking: 93.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $26.60

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 237.1 Aaron: 191.25 (b: 174.45; w: 16.8)  Elly: 40.2 Total: 468.55

Things are about to get changed up around here! In my recent quest for getting to my optimal self, I realized (which is another way of saying 'accepted') that I should probably change up something with regard to my running itself. I'm not in the market for an overhaul, but if there's some tweaking to be done, I've finally opened myself up to being all ears. And, today's run confirmed the new direction for me ...

Okay, so the concept of shaking up ones workout is not new to me nor anyone else. However, I did close myself off from learning much about it when I started running because I could hardly run in the first place let alone incorporate anything like speed work or whatever else happens. And, with the emphasis of such incorporations being speed, I was not interested. I didn't want to overwhelm myself. I just wanted to run.

Fast forward to present, and I'm ready for a new challenge. I can hardly believe it myself. Anyway, there is a section in the Trim Healthy Mama book (you know, the only thing I seem to be reading these days besides my Facebook feed) about exercise. The bottom line themes I pulled out of my first read-through included (these are my words and what I got out of it): you have to mix it up or your body will simply adjust to what you're doing; you do not have to spend hours exercising (yay!), and they do not promote exercising for more than an hour at anything given the law of diminishing returns that can start to happen to your muscles, etc.

I have read (and not really paid attention to) more than once about the toll endurance exercise takes on your body, so the concept wasn't really new. But, as with anything, find one study that says yea only to find another that says nay. I'm going to keep running, and so long as I'm doing long distances, that will take more than an hour. Or two. Depends on the distance. And, I'm not going to stop running Half Marathons because I like them. BUT, I know there are things I can be doing on the days I am not long running to rev up and better support my system and my efforts.

Enter: Stop messing around with the week's short runs.

My initial strategy was to do exactly what my original training schedule directed: SSR, or 'slow short run' (and, yes, long runs were labeled SLR for 'slow long run'.). I gravitated to this schedule specifically because it said, thereby giving permission, to go slow. I needed that. I needed it very badly. Some days, I still need it. But, most days, if I'm being honest, I'm totally jacking around on the short run days. Long runs are still full-on effort, but, I've gotten too comfortable with the short runs, and I'm not so sure they're supporting my long runs the way they can.

So, the new plan is to use the short runs for intervals and to pour on some speed. I don't have an plans to make some specific schedule or distance-to-running burst ratio. But, I do know I know how I feel, when I feel I have more energy and when I need a break, and I'm going to use that knowledge to my advantage.

Elly and I did just that today. It was an inconsistent run in terms of speed, which is exactly the point, but it was a.w.e.s.o.m.e. I finished feeling both invigorated and exercise-tired which, as you know, is different from 'just dragged myself through that to get it done' tired. It's exactly the shake up I need at this point. And, no, I would have never, ever guessed this change was coming.

Elly didn't even know what we were doing, but she joined right in. I think it exhausted her a little:
"Uhh ... what just happened there, mommy?"
 She spent her time on the way home drooling like crazy:
"You'd drool if you couldn't sweat, too, mommy. Oh wait. You
can sweat and sometimes you do drool. What's wrong with you?"
Elly's been sacked out since we got home. I honestly can't believe she kept up the faster paces, but she was all in. And, now, she's all sound asleep!

Well, it seems there's a shift in the running winds around here! I like it. Just thinking about it makes me feel good. Who knew?

Keep you mind and eyes open even when you think you've got it figured out ... you never know what might trigger a change! Enjoy any change in course you are on, and I'll check in on tomorrow's Rest Day!

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