Thursday, March 26, 2015

Smooooooth ...

It's been a day full of a little bit of this and a little bit of that adding up to a whole lot of stuff!! Everything that needed to get accomplished today has been except for tomorrow's 12-mile map. That'll come (because it has to). It's been good day, and we rewarded ourselves with smoothies from our new machine ...
Are we ever going to put our Christmas
glasses away?
We (and, by that, I mean mostly Aaron) have been doing a lot of research and scoping about not only blenders but also protein powder. We finally got to the point we were saturated, forgotten more than we ever thought we'd learn about both, and the eagle finally landed with the above, inaugural smoothie creation. It's a simple smoothie flavored with cocoa powder and defatted peanut butter which adds up to a drink that tastes like a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. Booyah.

Aaron and Pit Crew #2 made a strawberry smoothie for round 2. While totally delish, I traded Pit Crew #3 half of his chocolate for half of my strawberry. Liquid peanut butter cup? Um, hell yeah!!

Aaron started to suggest I could put a chocolate one together with strawberry and come up with chocolate covered strawberry. I stopped him before he could finish because no blended drink is going to taste like the chocolate berries he gets me for Valentine's Day, so let's not try to convince me otherwise. Just sayin'.

With that, I sit with yummy smoothie in my stomach which just sets the perfect tone to map my run. That is a total lie, it does no such thing. The peanut butter cup factor is so good that the thought of the run makes me kind of sick right now. At least it'll be fully flushed from the ol' system by morning. Literally and figuratively.

It's time to map. Treat yourself to something good today, and I'll check in after the morning run!

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