Monday, March 23, 2015


Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 282.6 (running: 176.3; walking: 12.5; biking: 93.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $29.33

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 282.6 Aaron: 224 (b: 207.2; w: 16.8)  Elly: 53.8 Total: 560.4

I had every intention of today being a Rest Day until I heard the morning forecast is for rain. That changed everything for me as tomorrow's run is a 5-miler. I'm not riding 15 miles on the bike and calling it 'same'. The bike is good, it's just not the same especially this close to race day!

I waited until late afternoon which worked out great because I could then also take Pit Crew #2 with me! Whee!! She made it an interesting run today for sure. For instance, we did a warm-up walk for the first couple hundred feet. When we got to the point we were to run, I decided to whine about it. Her response? "What? 'You that disappointed we didn't find any money?" I was all, "Um, no, I am of course whining about having to start running. Duh."

Then, about 100 yards later, we ran along a line of cars where I noticed there was a man just sitting in the last one. I said to PC#2, "You know, I could just ask that guy for, like, a quarter or something." to which PC#2 says, "For what?" Like, I would just ask someone for money. Out of the blue. On a run. Where I pick up money for the Food Bank.

I just looked at her and said, "Does this run need to be in silence? I just need to know now."

It most definitely was not in silence. We worked hard during our first mile because we were going up hill against a very strong wind. I had a few choice words about it, so had there been silence, it would have been broken.

Then there was that moment right past the second mile where we were on an awesome pace until PC#2 gasped and said something (can't remember what) making me realize she'd seen something -- clearly awful or scary or alarming in some way -- that made me instinctually blurt out? "WHAT? Shit!" Seriously, by her reaction, I thought I was about to step on a snake or something.

Yeah, not so much. The alarming creature was this:
Wow. Look at that oh-so-scary robin.
It had been sitting on the sidewalk, just sitting there. She was somehow startled by its just-sitting status. *sigh*

I made fun of her for about the next mile, so I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when this ...
... was her response when I non-verbally offered her a drink from my water. Like I would throw my water on her. For crying out loud.

We got back to normal, as it is, for the rest of the run. Good conversation, good strong run ... can't ask for much more than that.
AND, it's out of the way so I don't have to get up extra early tomorrow. AND I saw rain clouds coming, so the forecast might actually be true. Whether it is or not, I still get to have some extra sleep!! Hooray!!

In other extras, Elly got an extra mile in yesterday when she took PC#2 out on a run.
'Twas a 5-mile day for Elly!!
Okay, so tomorrow is now a day for resting!! And, I'm sticking to it!! May your week have started off just right, and I'll check in tomorrow!

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