Saturday, March 14, 2015

'Sure Beats Yesteryear

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 253.4 (running: 148.3; walking: 11.3; biking: 93.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $28.59

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 251.9 Aaron: 203.45 (b: 183.65; w: 16.8)  Elly: 47.8 Total: 503.15

Happy, happy weekend!! May yours have started off great!! I most definitely wanted to sleep later than get up and run, but I kept thinking about how awesome that extra rest will be tomorrow!! And, surprisingly, I was actually pretty ready to get out there. Partly, I wanted to see what these miles felt like after yesterday's 10 (like, is it any better than it was 5 years ago when I did this?), and, partly, because I'm looking forward to a chill Sunday morning ... That's why I'm easy ... ahh ahh ahh ahhhhh ... (sing it, everybody!) Easy like Sunday morning ... ahh ahh ahh ahhhhh ... Thank you, Commodores. MAN I love that song.

Anyway ...

So, I got ready, I got the happy pup ready, and we went on our way!
To answer the above question as to whether or not this was easier than when I started 5 years ago, the answer within the first 200 yards was: Hell no. I was tight, I was a bit wobbly, and I felt all of yesterday's miles ... to Elly's dismay because she was ready to bust outta the streets! The answer after that is, yes, it was nothing compared to the first few times I did it. During those runs, I thought I was going to die. Like, I could handle the 10, but the next day's 4 was like torture. Just sayin'. Fortunately, that wasn't the case this morning.

Elly and I seemed to be up and out before most people today which made for a really nice, peaceful run. I like it when it's like that. Elly provided me built-in intervals, so I didn't have to do a lot of work to make that happen. Everything about the run was just easy.

It worked out that Aaron had somewhere to be and would be passing us on his way home, so I picked a meeting spot for us to stop and him to get us. You gotta love the part of the outing when you get a ride!

Elly likes it, too:
"Let's tell secrets like best gal pals, mommy!"
Speaking of being best gal pals, I saw this on the car ahead of us:
It's true. Everyone around here understands. No hurt feelings.

So, I got home to Pit Crew #2 (aka: resident foodie) informing reminding me it's Pi Day. So, I did a bit of brain scrambling, but we're having some pie tonight! I just took the crust out of the oven:
Mmm ... Trim Healthy Mama at your service with a crust made from ground oats, ground coconut flakes, ground almond flour, butter and salt. It is to be filled with sugar-free vanilla pudding and topped with some home made sugar-free chocolate pieces. Booyah. I'll show you the outcome tomorrow.

With that, it's time to make some chocolate!! Have a great day, eat some pie, and I'll check in on tomorrow's Rest Day!

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