Sunday, March 8, 2015

Six Happy Feet

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 229.3 (running: 125.8; walking: 9.7; biking: 93.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $25.38

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 229.3 Aaron: 190.45 (b: 174.45; w: 16)  Elly: 36.4 Total: 456.15

Greetings on this warm, sunny Sunday!!! Elly here again! I was in such a jazzed up mood from my outing that I was like, "Move over, mama!! Puppy's gotta talk about it!!" So, here I am!

Between last night's late-night activities and today's time change*, mommy decided a morning run was not in the cards if she wanted to do anything else but sleep or be a zombie for the rest of the day. So, she slated it for the late morning hoping it would fit in between the rest of today's to-dos! *I do not understand this 'time change' thing, but mommy said I was super-good about it and thanked me. She said something about not getting anyone up at a crazy early time so I could go to the bathroom. To be honest, I think she should be thanking my bladder, not me, per se, but I took the lovin'.

After breakfast and a little digestion time, mommy got on her warm weather running clothes (yup, I know 'em all!), pulled out my leash, and I was READY!!! I didn't behave as well as the other day at leash time, though, so I didn't get picture privileges. Muh'bad.

I was awesome out and about, though! And, who couldn't be?! It was 52 degrees and sunny!! I stopped only when absolutely necessary (well, mostly ... I tried to slip in some animal track-sniffing, but mommy was on to me), I didn't totally freak at the big trucks pulling the hay trailers (they were huge!), and I kept our pace going like. a. boss.!
The big trucks made me have to pee, though.
Seriously! Scary! This isn't me peeing. It
just happens to be cut off. Mommy allows
me my dignity even though I squat wherever.
So, over the roads we went to our turn around point which was exactly half way. I like the part of the route leading up to it because it's totally down hill. We fly like the wind, and it's so much fun! We were on the sidewalk, but mommy still managed to find a dime in the street. HOW she did that, I don't know because it was caked with the ash stuff from the recent snow, and it was hanging out in a trench of the same stuff. Everything was the same color. But, that's what she does.

We kept going strong until, you guessed it, what goes down must also come up when it's a turn around route. And, I'm telling you, by half way back up that hill, I was having none of it. I tried to keep myself well hydrated and cool in the still-melting snow ...
... but, I finally was like, "Ummm ... no." Mommy caught on quick, understood my plight and walked the rest of it with me. I know she was about to take that hill down, but I've not run four miles in a while. I needed the break. Mommy said she totally understood because she likes taking care of my needs.

We picked it back up after ascending the hill, and I was good to go from there. In fact, I was also perfectly behaved. I didn't even snarl when we passed an itty-bitty pup (seriously, it was about the size of my head) who was barking all up in my business. I just kept going. Mommy was pleased because when I get distracted, I also get annoying. Just sayin'.

Then, In the home stretch of the run, mommy was totally there for me with encouragement. She kept saying, "We got this, girl!" and I would look at her like this:
She likes when I look at her. I did not disappoint.

The next thing I knew, we finished!! And, it was awesome! Mommy said we came in well under the time she expected and thanked me for the effort to give her 10 more minutes to shower and get ready to keep her day rolling! In the meantime, I got my chewy rawhide and had a snack. I think I got the better end of the deal, but mommy seemed good with it!

To start off the week, everyone rests tomorrow!! I'm sure mommy will check in then ... thanks for coming along my Sunday adventure!!

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