Friday, March 6, 2015

Not At All What I Expected

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 225.3 (running: 121.8; walking: 9.7; biking: 93.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $25.28

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 225.3 Aaron: 179.45 (b: 163.45; w: 16)  Elly: 32.4 Total: 437.15

Okay, here's what's awesome: The week TOTALLY ended better than it started!! YAHOO!! Yup, it was a tough one made tougher with some of my mental mind games surrounding this long run (to the tune of, "For real, am I up to it," "I really, really don't want to do those hills in there," etc.). Basically, I'm saying the more I thought about doing it, the more I thought of all of the things that can suck.

Frankly, it was just that kind of week.

But! A few, teeny things started to go right yesterday, and they gave me hope. Before going to bed last night, I literally said to myself, "Hey, if this can go better than I thought, then that run can, too."

And, so it was ...

I strongly debated running this morning or waiting until tomorrow because the temperature is supposed to be at least 15 degrees warmer tomorrow morning than it was today. However, as enticing as that seemed, I also thought about the fact that I'm nowhere near used to 15 degrees warmer, and that can backfire. I also wanted to sleep in tomorrow which is the most real reason I went on ahead today. And, I'm so glad I did!

I saw remnants of the recent snow all around me ...
... and, there was a pack of super-fierce dogs behind the fence in their yard who were carrying on:
Yeah, that black and white one is on top
of the deck rail. You just don't tend to
see that!
But, by far, my very favorite views were these:
I looked up and literally gasped. This creature was extraordinary
in the light of the sun.
Ohhhhh, how I wanted to pet it. But, I didn't. I did talk, though.
And, the horse was transfixed so long as I was talking.
I started on my way, and we played the, "Are you still looking?"
game. I'd turn to see it looking at me, then it would calmly
turn away for a moment until it looked back again. I totally
see why people fall in love with horses.
Just a little bit later, I distrusted what I'd mapped out (there were actual reasons, you just had to be there), and I took a different turn. And, because of the new turn, I ran into more of this ...
From what seemed out of nowhere, there were more! (Hi, me!)
The crew over here were all too busy for a chat which was
fine because I really needed to keep moving.
Most of them were eating. But, the darker fella by the tree had
an itch on his hip, so he was having the tree help out. heeheehee
By and large, this was a really good run. I'm still having some tight muscle issues, but they're significantly better than they were. I also saw every ice patch before stepping on any (BONUS), and there were a lot to step on! The only drag of the run was I made a very bad decision to not take any water. I honestly thought it might be a mistake to do so because I feared it would make my hand too cold. Grrrr ... it very well might have been cold, but I was in high need of water by the seventh mile to the point I was ready to stick my face in someone's snow-covered yard just to eat some of it. By mile 8, I almost did. But, I talked myself out of it with only a mile to go.

Note to self: Take water, fool!

With that, it is TIME to slide into the weekend!! Tomorrow's a Rest Day, and that will more than define my morning!! Take it easy where you are, and I'll check in tomorrow ...

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