Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Surprises For Everyone

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 262.6 (running: 156.3; walking: 12.5; biking: 93.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $29.05

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 262.6 Aaron: 204.95 (b: 183.65; w: 16.8)  Elly: 48.8 Total: 516.35

With the daily schedule continually in motion (meaning, things on the calendar are not necessarily what they seem), I had to get my rear in gear earlier than usual to get in my run at a normal kind of time. It could have waited until the afternoon, but, oh, my, how disruptive that can be beyond the fact that it requires a second shower. Besides, I've already put in my afternoon run time for this round of training. Twice. I hope to not have to do it again!

I was totally not expecting the very cold wind that came with the early hours today. Ouch-ouch-ouch on the unprepared, unprotected ears!! But, I will take some burning ears to see this:
Knowing everything in the sky was going to change before I was finished, I stopped about a half mile farther to turn around and see this:
Nothing beats that. Except, perhaps, a sunset. But, why compare? I'll take the beauty of 'em both!

The run was good. Nice and solid. I even surprised myself and cruised up a hill I've not been on in quite some time. If you run hills, you know they all have their different personalities, so running one does not necessarily prepare you for running a different one. This one and I haven't met in many months, and I scaled it like a boss. That moment in and of itself made this run a huge success and the rest gravy. Although, I really hate gravy.

Before continuing on with the day, I would be remiss, I suppose, to not acknowledge St. Patrick's Day, right?! Frankly, I don't care about it whatsoever except it gives me reason to change decorations around and do fun little things. I probably should care about it seeing as Aaron's side of the family is Irish. But, really, it's not like he's poured on information about his heritage, so I'll make him his gross corned beef while I dye every bit of food I can green, and we'll move on.

We have to save our green dinner for tomorrow as Aaron's schedule is screwed up, too, but breakfast and lunch for the kids was in the proper tradition! We started their day with green eggs and ham like usual, then we sent them off with their traditional lunches of green peanut butter, green apples, turning the lemonade green and a green treat. Usually, the treat is a little container of green M&Ms. This year, I got all fancy:
Who doesn't want green goodies and the lucky gold? (Wait ...
is gold lucky in the lore? Or, does that just mean riches? For
real, I don't get this holiday ...)
They're going to feel like they hit the treat-at-lunch bonus with three different kinds! I get stingy with the treats to keep them, you know, treats. I actually thought it would be fun to send them with this ...
... but it wouldn't make any sense by the time they saw it because the rainbow would be all over the place. And, I guarantee one of the Pit Crewers would get it only long after thinking about it which would be only after opening the treat container and figuring mom forgot how we usually do this thing.

The other might ... might ... raise an eyebrow of interest before giving a little shrug and downing the entire container.

Ohhhh ... I know which one is which ...

With that, it's time to refocus and keep getting things checked off the list! May you surprise yourself with something you're super-proud of accomplishing today, may there be green things or things-made-green on you dinner table if you so desire, and I'll check in on tomorrow's Rest Day!

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