Saturday, January 24, 2015

Oh What a Difference New Shoes Make!

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 76.9 (running: 42; walking: 5.1; biking: 29.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $14.80

2,015 in 2015 Team Progress (yes, we still need a name -- but, I'm closing in on some possibilities ...): Nancy: 76.9  Aaron: 57.9 (b: 47.6; w: 10.3)  Elly: 11.5 Total: 146.3

Hello, and happy Saturday!! I hope yours started out awesome -- mine sure did!!

Pit Crew and I hit it this morning in the 27-degree temps! As there was no wind, it was pretty perfect running weather for me. PC#2 was chilly, but that all seemed to even out for her after the first mile ... which is when everything evens out and settles down anyway, so that was no surprise. (That first mile and all of its kinks and uneasies is just a booger, isn't it? It is said to never judge a run by its first mile, and I totally agree with that!)

We used the same route we covered last week, and it was sooooo much better this time!! You might recall that it was after last week's journey through these miles that I threw down the no-more-'til-I-get-new-shoes gauntlet. It was also then that I called a walk break up a stretch I never tend to use for that, but my legs hurt more than they should have because of my worn out shoes. Stupid, self-imposed procrastination making my legs hurt! Anyway, this week was entirely different to the point that PC#2 later told me, "There was one point where I told myself to not call for a walk but if you would, that would have been okay. Then I remembered you got new shoes and knew we weren't walking." Smart girl. Paying attention.

A little more than four and a half miles and 44 cents later, we met up with the boys and found out we killed our usual time. I have no explanation for that other than we seemed to be all about getting down to business and getting this run behind us. In a good way.

And, having nothing to do with running other than we came across this after we finished ... have you ever seen one of these?!
It's called Buddha's Hand:
We walked to a grocery store after our run and saw these immediately upon entering. In a no-manners-at-all voice, I exclaimed, "Gross!" But, I had to investigate!

One of the store managers was kind enough to ignore the smelly, loud lady and stop and talk with us about them. It turns out if you rub the skin, it emits a wonderful, citrus smell. He was clear it was a food used for zest and flavoring and not for eating, though. Apparently, it smells good, tastes terrible!

I just had to share.

Tomorrow? I'm not really sure what I'm doing tomorrow in the running game. This is the last week of no real schedule, so I'm going to have to think about it for a bit. In the meantime, though, I have a whole Saturday to enjoy, so I'm off to do it! Enjoy yours, and I'll check in tomorrow!

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