Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 46.3 (running: 13.5; walking: 3; biking: 29.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $11.40

2,015 in 2015 Team Progress (yes, we still need a name): Nancy: 46.3  Aaron: 20.8 (b: 10; w: 9.6)  Elly: 8.2 Total: 75.3

IknowIknowIknowIknow ... I have this rule about not running in the negative wind chill thing. But, evidently, that's more of a suggestion than a rule when it comes to mornings like today and I really wanted some fresh air!! Much like a stubborn toddler (which I was an ace at), I was determined to get out there for at least a little bit this morning!! Besides, the report was the wind chill at -6, but upon visual investigation, I saw none of the dead leaves in the trees around us bustling, so I figured it couldn't be that bad!

Okay, I was pretty wrong about the 'that bad' part, but the good totally overrode the negative, and Elly and I had ourselves a fine little outing!
Yes, there is a reason my face is pink.
And, it's not from the exertion of my
lightening speed.
I have to confess this outing was a little stupid no matter how good it actually felt. The tips of my fingers and my cheeks were none to happy running into the wind. Oh, and, yes, I did discover the wind once I actually stepped out of my house. Evidently, visual inspection is not particularly accurate.

Oh, I also must confess that I thought Elly and I were running just a mile of this out-and-back stretch. But, I forgot that out is a mile, and back is a mile. Whoopsie.

Ohhhh, but it felt sooooo goooooood to be outside!!

I came home and got on the bike for another four miles to wrap the morning movement up. That felt good, too. But, not as good as the run.

And, while Elly and I were on the move? The kitties were not:
While Daphne holds down the clothes I'd put out for the bike,
Lizzy's all, "Who disturbs my slumber!!"
Elly came in to tell the girls all about our outing. And, they
could not have cared less about it.
I really don't know what tomorrow's morning forecast is, and, clearly, it seems I'm to the point of not  caring and am going to do what I want anyway. I do know that toward the end of the week, wind chill won't be a factor at all, so this topic will be behind me long enough to start complaining about needing new shoes (there's always a gripe to swap in when swapping one out, isn't there?!).

Do what you have to do for yourself today, and I'll check in after the morning run!

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