Sunday, January 11, 2015

Had My Fill

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 40.2 (running: 11.4; walking: 3; biking: 25.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $11.37

2,015 in 2015 Team Progress (yes, we still need a name): Nancy: 40.2  Aaron: 20.8 (b: 10; w: 9.6)  Elly: 6.1 Total: 67.1

Aaaaaaand, it's SUNDAY!! I'm sure you already knew that, but I found the need to remind myself. I'm not sure what happened to this weekend. Unfortunately, most of it didn't even go right, so it's all a big blur. Yesterday's Rest Day was a great break from running (boy, did my legs need it after my inaugural bike-a-thon of last week). The other thing that went right is I discovered the deliciousness that is the Orange Julius Lite Orange-Berry Smoothie. That's the way I capped off my day. That and drinking it while watching Aaron dance -- literally -- in the middle of Dairy Queen. There was absolutely no one in the place, and he put on quite a show. I couldn't find the security cameras, so I guess that's why we were there long enough for not just a show but for me to laugh so hard that I thought I might re-see my fantastic, orange-berry smoothie. I kept it together.

Even talking about it, I would love another Orange Julius Lite Orange-Berry Smoothie, please.

This morning's plan was to run, but that pretty well got screwed up yesterday. I woke up just a bit before my alarm, but my body and mind both said, Hell no, to a run this morning. I did listen, but I was pretty irritated about it no matter how much more sleep I actually needed.

My irritation continued through the morning. Not only was I looking forward to a run, but I kept seeing people out and about in their fun, bright-colored running gear taking advantage of the fact that there wasn't a dangerous wind chill and getting in some outdoor exercise before any rain or freezing drizzle comes our way. I'd finally had enough by 1 p.m.; I could either be annoyed that a run didn't happen this morning, or I could do something about it. So, I decided to go on out, even if it meant the dreaded second shower of the day (I seriously hate that), and I invited Aaron and Elly to come with me. Both were pleased to join me!

It was chilly, but I liked it. Aaron wore regular snow gloves (because my chilly is his frozen tundra) which made his picking up pennies impossible but kind of fun to watch. We scored big for the route we took:
Forty cents and two BB's ... well, if you're gonna
throw it around out there, we'll take it!!
And, we noted we aren't the only ones who have yet to get our outdoor Christmas decorations down!
Our candy canes are frozen into the ground. I'm not sure how long it's going to take for it to thaw enough to get 'em out. Valentine candy, anyone? They're the right colors ...

Elly had herself a perfectly grand time both out on the run ...
"Let's stay away from that frozen stream, mommy ..."
... and, back home where she got her rawhide hours later than normal!
A little downward-facing dog for you while she eats ... and
glares at the cat to her right ...
We cruised around 3.1 miles and finished right when the rain started sprinkle! That's what I call excellent timing!

My new one now sits next to a very
appropriate retired one!
Here it is from the back:
It's one of our favorite moments when
Lucy says, "Nickels, nickels, nickels!"
So, that it was on this bank made it a
done-deal sale!
Did you notice you actually put the money in where the nickel can is?! The bottom of the new bank is great because it's a metal stopper ... unlike the rubber one of my ceramic Lucy that got old enough to disintegrate and make the bank no longer useful.

I got this bank yesterday (with both a percent-off coupon and an additional money-off coupon ... totally speaking my language!). It is one of the little things that went right, and I don't take the little things for granted. They happen to be the peace amidst chaos, don't they?

I'm glad my body and brain woke up enough to get out there and run. It just felt good! Besides, it was wayyyy better than being annoyed. I prefer to take matters into my own hands and forge a better, more productive course of action!

Here's to a great start to the week! Make it start the way you want it to, and I'll check in as we start things off on Monday!

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