Friday, January 9, 2015

Moving Through the Week

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 37.1 (running: 8.3; walking: 3; biking: 25.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $10.97

2,015 in 2015 Team Progress (yes, we still need a name): Nancy: 37.1  Aaron: 20.8 (b: 10; w: 5.8)  Elly: 2.3 Total: 60.5

"Have you missed me?"
We made it!! It's FRIDAY!!! I've been looking forward to today this whole week because arriving meant the bulk of the post-holiday clean-up/kick-starts were behind me, and things start to settle in to whatever normal is going to look like for a while! I know this is a familiar sentiment to many, so congratulations to you as well!!

I was also really looking forward to an outside run this morning as last night's forecast did not indicate a nasty wind chill (nasty = sending the temperature 'feeling like' in the negatives. Zero, okay. Negative, No Can Do). But, I woke up this morning to the feels-like temperature at -1 which, all by itself, changed my plans. Thirty minutes later, the change of plans was confirmed as the temp dipped to feel like -5 !! I'll put up with a lot of uncomfortable elements to run. I'll even embrace many of them. But, I will not risk fingers nor cheeks falling off my body.

So, this morning ... to the bike!

Our bike is awesome as it makes NO sound. I mean nothing. That's good for tv viewing (which is a requirement for indoor exercise) and really good for the dog who will come up to me for some petting while I'm on it because there aren't any scary noises. She got some petting then wandered off to her spot where she takes her morning rawhide. When I finished on the bike, I went upstairs and saw my sweet pup in the sunlight which shows off her fantastic eyes ...
"Aw, shucks, mommy ..."
One of the guys at the bike shop where we bought it told me a standard running-biking mileage conversion is 1:3. Since I planned on four running miles today, I did 12 miles on the bike, 6 on a hill setting (yeeowwwchhh) and 6 on a straight away (sweet). That hill gave me a great workout and definitely made me realize I need to take the biking as seriously as I take the running in terms of scheduling both workout and rest days. That's three days in a row for the bike and 5 days overall for the bike/run combo. Tomorrow is definitely scheduled to rest!

With that, it's off to enjoy the rest of Friday!! Stay warm stay safe, and I'll check in on tomorrow's rest day!!

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