Thursday, January 15, 2015

Bring the Bling

2,015 in 2015 Team Progress (yes, we still need a name): Nancy: 50.8  Aaron: 31 (b: 20.2; w: 9.6)  Elly: 8.2 Total: 90

As promised to myself, I got some 'house keeping' things accomplished this morning during my otherwise-running time. While I did not even come close to replacing my shoes (slated for the weekend ... I hope ...), I did go through a plethora of recipes to try as well as organizing a bit of running memorabilia. Both endeavors were highly successful. Now, if I would just keep myself organized enough to plan ahead on dinners -- what we're going to have and what it takes to make that happen -- then the cuisine around here would be as successful as my running endeavors.

The key to success: A plan. A thought-out, written plan. Let's see if I can get on board with that one for the kitchen ...

And, why the lack of success/ease in the kitchen but I can pull it off running? Because I'm more interested in running than I am cooking. Let's just call it what it is.

I will most definitely report on kitchen hits as they happen. In the meantime, I keep having awesome virtual race options come through my Facebook feed from US Road Running. They're the same people who provided me with my fantastic virtual Turkey medal at Thanksgiving. And, you know I'm a sucker for the bling of the run. I don't even care what that says about me because I'm sure it says something awesome (ha!) Okay, for real, I like it for two reasons: First, it's awesome; Second, every medal has a story. I totally dig that. So, I always look when the pictures come through.

The other day, I saw this one ...
and it totally caught my eye for Aaron. THEN I saw this one ...
which reminded me of Pit Crew #3 in every way. I decided they needed to have them.

Then I thought about how PC#2 and I have talked to PC#3 about running with us now and then this summer.

Then I thought how cool it would be for all four of us to do a virtual run to earn our own, very individual medals!

While some virtual runs have actual dates to do them, others have windows of time for completion. And, then there I am recreating the window for the purpose of creating my own event. The way I see it is the inherent intention of earning the medal is retained; it's just accomplished in a way that works better for us.

Point to mention: If you ever consider these virtual options and also want to think outside of the box to make them happen, do know you're going to pull yourself out of contention for any prize drawing or other potential perk that's offered. I don't even know if that applies to US Road Running virtuals because I never looked past "What's the medal, and by when do I need to order it". I register, they send, everyone wins!

Over time, we have become a household where each enjoys a good run/outing. I love seeing that evolution. That there are little prizes to note, or even motivate, the accomplishment? That's just some fun icing on the cake!

Call it a guilty pleasure, call it whatever you want: It works for me! Tap in to what motivates you no matter what anyone else may think, and I'll check in after the morning run!

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