Sunday, January 18, 2015

Number Three

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 63 (running: 28.1; walking: 5.1; biking: 29.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $13.28

2,015 in 2015 Team Progress (yes, we still need a name -- but, I'm closing in on some possibilities ...): Nancy: 63  Aaron: 37.9 (b: 28.3; w: 9.6)  Elly: 11.5 Total: 112.4

This kind of thing circulates around Facebook running pages all. the. time.:
Allow me to confess that I, personally, invert the sentiments. I tend to start running days like those on the bottom row and Rest Days like those on the top. I do so like how it feels after a run, but I don't always show it from the get go! Just being real ...

Anyway, with the football games determining who's going to the Super Bowl today, this is the most accurate visual from my feed this morning:
I had all kinds of little notions to discuss today, but that all changed after watching the Seahawks vs. Packers game. Rooting for the Seahawks, you'd think I would have been very disheartened all the way through the first half and for most of the second. But, I tend to root for teams that don't like to wake up until half-way through, so I'm pretty patient before worrying about the outcome.

Fast forward to the end of the game -- where the Seahawks won in overtime and those of us in the house watching cheered so loud even Elly joined in (I think because she was confused or otherwise concerned) -- and there was nothing but excitement around here! But, nothing ... not one play of the game ... kept me as riveted to the screen as this scene immediately after the win:
The stadium was bedlam. There were people everywhere going ballistic. And, then there was this quiet circle of players taking a moment to be thankful. I dare say there was no one in more demand for a post-game interview than Roger Wilson (QB #3), but he focused one what he decided was important. In the heat of the moment, he was true to himself through and through.

I loved this scene.

That you are able, that you can accomplish, that you have the opportunity to even try is a gift. No matter what, no matter how, and in every endeavor, be thankful. I learned and continue to learn and practice that being thankful is just about the best fuel there is for anything you're doing. Anything.

I'll check in tomorrow with the weekend tidbits ... until then, take some time for yourself to fuel your heart to start the new week!

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