Saturday, March 22, 2014

Number One Twice

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 48 Nancy's 2013 Mileage: 185.1 Elly's 2013 Mileage: 92.7 Money Found For Food Bank: $19.48

You might recall from yesterday that my mission on today's run was to see something I've not before noticed. I see no reason to keep anyone in suspense, so, here it is!
I KNOW!! Who expected I'd find such a thing while on a run?
Seriously, it's quite an adventure out there!

Having a random agenda on which to focus helped motivate me to get up early and get on out there. (Going to bed much earlier than I usually do most certainly helped, too!) I will be the first to confess that the double digit miles come with double the mindset: For all of the good and empowering and holy-crap-I'm-such-a-stud feelings that come from them, it is not easy to get up and actually do it. And, you might think that having a bunch of double-digit runs that it mentally gets easier. Speaking for myself, it doesn't. Don't get me wrong, it's not that it's such a drudgery and I hate it. Hardly. It's just that the time and effort it takes to finish hits me square in the face when I have the choice to get up or to stay in bed. That's all I'm saying!

Now that I'm to the part of the day where I get to think happy thoughts about having accomplished such a thing this morning, let's look at how it went! Come along!
Ah, sunrise, how I love you! The sun did nothing for the
temperatures this morning, but it put on a great show to
start the day!
This is the first open daffodil I have seen
this Spring! Evidently, my observation
skills are sorely lacking as there is a whole
patch of bloomed daffodils right up my
street. But, whatever.
Just past the daffodils, the elusive, fading
pink flamingos lurk ...
After getting righteously skunked at one
of my favorite drive-thru options, I passed
by this row of HAPPY.
Within a mile of my finish, I dusted off the soccer skills to
kick this out of the middle of an intersection. It's like finding
the jewels amidst todays 20 cents of running treasure!
My route landed me a couple of miles
away from home, so Aaron put on his
Pit Crew hat, and picked me up! Before
my finish pic, a little coughing fit was
in order.
Eleven miles! Or, as I like to think, I'm
number one! Twice!
Yeah, for real, the gloves were on the entire run, and I was completely comfortable in them. It's past the middle of March! Pit Crew #2 asked me if I thought it would warm up before the run. I told her, at this point, I kind of hope not! I, for one, will not acclimate very quickly! But, of course, I'll take what we're handed ... the bling comes not matter if you're running, walking or crawling across the finish!

Okay, and if I continue to kick things -- like unforeseen juts in sidewalks -- with the same leg that nailed that rut back in January, crawling across the finish might just be in order! Check it out: About 6 miles in, I'd been running in the street not only because there was no traffic around, but also because the street tends to have fewer jut hazards. Mere feet after deciding I was just being silly and getting myself on the sidewalk, WHAM! Same leg, almost the same pull! Thankfully, unlike in January when the pain of the pull immediately bled through my muscle and literally took me to the ground, this one started in the same place but wrapped around my entire leg almost like a bandage. It was weird. Anyway, I immediately threw myself against a telephone pole and stretched as well as I could. I simply could not believe this keeps happening to the same leg, same spot. Grrrrr ... Fortunately, between the stretching and about 50 yards of walking, I was able to resume without issue. I can feel it not, but it's not going to be a big deal. Unless I do it again. Vegas, draw up the odds ...

I'm sure it comes as no surprise to know my schedule is messed up yet again this week, so it looks like there's a short run on schedule for tomorrow! That'll make Elly happy even if I don't wake up very enthused! I get to sleep later, though, so, already, it's starting off great!

With that, it's time to continue on with the weekend! Enjoy your Saturday, and we'll see you after the morning run!

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