Saturday, March 29, 2014

I Do Like Indisputable Evidence. Just Sayin'.

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 52 Nancy's 2013 Mileage: 204.8 Elly's 2013 Mileage: 105.2 Money Found For Food Bank: $19.76

Happy weekend!! Mine started off with a long run, so let's do this!!

Here's the funny thing about running through my training schedule: On the day I run the first 10-miler, it's hard to imagine running the 12. Then, I get to the 12-miler, and I can only think, "Man, if only this were a 10-mile day!!" It's true, in those last 2 miles today, I caught myself many, many times defaulting to the "I'd be finished if ..." sentiment! Of course, 10 nor 12 crosses the finish line in a couple of weeks, so let's just say I am glad that my mental game is quite strong!

This is about to sound contrary to what I just said, but I spent a lot of time this morning mentally embracing such thoughts as intentionally running just in front of the vehicle that sweeps those not on pace to finish. I pictured striking up conversation with the driver while enjoying the new sites. Perhaps I could learn a thing or two about what I am seeing along the route that way! Given I was feeling some deep pulls in both my leg and my back*, I couldn't help but come up with a Plan B that entertained me! *Yeah, still ... it takes an effort to get there, but the long runs demand the effort ... and, that's when those muscles yell and call me names talk to me ...

Speaking of sites, here's my favorite from today:
And, this is one I'm glad I saw for a whole different reason:
Remember what I said about the plethora of banana peels
around here? I totally wasn't kidding!
For the most part, I was pretty focused today so I could just get this crap done stay in tune with how my back felt. I still managed to find 8 pennies totally old school ... only 2 drive-thrus on route, and only 1 had a singular penny. AND, you'll never guess what else I saw and not take a picture of: a used pregnancy test hanging out at the base of a parking meter. That was a first, and, believe when I say I've seen a lot of stuff ... some items quite related to today's find, just sayin' and just leavin' it at that!

I see your ear pen, Natalie Dee, and I raise you one
of the hygiene products and/or issues I've found
running. I find money out there, too, so at least my
world seems a little more balanced in the good-with
the-bad arena ...
It was negative by the way. I knew you'd want to know. I had to look since I didn't have to touch it to find out. I have my standards; they're pretty low, but they're there. When I found out, I had the following thoughts: "I wonder if she was disappointed or if she was relieved." THEN I had this thought: "I bet some dude took that and put it there after a bender."

I bet I'm right about the latter ...

So, with about 4 miles to go, I was really feeling this run. I even chose to walk a couple of stretches today. I don't think they amounted to much in terms of distance -- quarter of a mile maybe? -- , but they did a world of good to give those cranking muscles some relief. When I hit a particularly steep hill, I blew off the top third to make sure I wouldn't get hurt. Besides, the route for the upcoming Half is supposed to be flat, so why push it? Who am I kidding, I wouldn't push it even if that very hill was on the route, but it gave me some instant peace knowing I'd get plenty out of the strength training that comes from climbing hills and could blow off part of the running.

I routed myself for its end point to be where my Pit Crew leader could pick me up. He sits and reads while having Diet Coke, I get a ride home. Win. Win. Anyway, while I did have the 8-tenths in me to accomplish 13.1 miles, I was glad I didn't have to. My feet hurt (that's a whole other issue I'm having with some toe rubbing and a toe nail that was cut too short ... pales in comparison to muscles, so I'll stick with that!), my back and my leg where still whining a bit, and I was ready to finish.

Hey, Nancy, how'd the run go?!
Then, I cringed just a wee bit when I asked Aaron for the time. I fully and completely expected his watch to say 9:45 a.m., and it didn't.
It actually said 9:32 a.m. when he told me.
Hey, it takes a minute to have things
register much less take a pic!
The short of this story is that I am actually exactly on the same training pace I've ever been for every other Half I've run (except for Roots & Blues; that training was such a mess I don't even know if I was aware of keeping any track of time. Or, if I could tell time by the end of it.).

I was very happy to see this outcome because it reflects that while I'm not feeling up to par, there's more strength on reserve than I tend to remember or even give myself credit for. And, that translates into feeling very confident, rather than fearful in any way, that I'm truly up to taking on this distance and not just pushing through because I already signed up. I didn't think I was doing that (especially when I'm making back-up plans to make the sweep vehicle driver my new BFF), but it was nice to have something indisputable!

I will take that victory and run with it ... literally, tomorrow. There are 4 miles to cover! I wonder if I can talk anyone into going with me ...?! I'll check in tomorrow and let you know! Onward with a happy Saturday to all!

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