Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 126 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 600.1 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 283 Money Found For Food Bank: $39.61

I set sail on this 2-mile morning by myself, and I think it worked well for everyone. First of all, it was rather humid, so Elly should be thankful I didn't take her. Second, Pit Crew #2 got some much needed sleep-longer-in-the-morning time, so she woke up bright and shiny! And, finally, as I was by myself, I could crab about being out there all I wanted, and no one would be the wiser until I revealed it later in the day when it was well behind me! (yay!)

You'd think a 2-mile run would be a breath of fresh air. In fact, I always look very forward to them! But, they almost always tend to not live up to what I hope, and, this morning, I finally figured out why. It's like this: If it normally takes me up to two miles to warm up and get things churning, then why do I think capping a run right at the point of falling into a groove will feel awesome? Once I cracked that code, it was a total DUH. Oh, and it made me feel better for realizing that most 2-mile runs are mostly pretty terrible!

I saw some fun things, though, like ...
It's always so cool to see the sunflowers towering over such
things as 6-foot fences!
... and, I'm glad I saw this even though it wasn't very fun at all:
Better to see that than to step on it. I'm pretty sure stepping on
that would have rivaled my unfortunate rut-kicking incident at
the start of my last training schedule!
In front of me are two days of rest. Fortunately, I'm not feeling an ache to rest, but I am looking forward to two days to not run so as to gear up for Saturday's 6!! (Hey, remember when I couldn't run a half mile only to today imply a run longer than 2 miles would have worked out better for me? Yeah, I remember that, too.)

Keep at whatever challenge is in front of you! The day will come that the tables turn, and you'll be all, "Yeah, see ya later, yester-year me!" In the meantime, I'll check in on tomorrow's Rest Day!

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