Friday, August 8, 2014

Inspiration Out Of Nowhere

As if you didn't know ... IT'S FRIDAY!!!
I'm so glad it's Friday! I'm also not sure how I managed to get here and check everything off on my to-do list for the week (the list I created sometime around Wednesday morning as I realized I couldn't remember everything I knew I needed to do -- Summer Brain had the best of me this week!). I hope your week was productive and good and fulfilling and that you, too, have at least a mild case of a 'that-was-just-too-fun' hangover like I do after spending yesterday with my girl! And, if you don't yet have that feeling this week, you still have today and tomorrow ... I hope it can fit in!!

While tomorrow will start off with the first 6-miler I've done in quite some time, today started off nice and easy and with my very favorite breakfast that includes ...
How very patriotic, don't you think?

Here's what's funny about my oatmeal ... I'd tried oatmeal in the past because I heard it was good for you. I thought it was nasty, so I didn't eat it. A few years later, I tried it again with the same verdict. But, in the past 5 years or so, I can hardly get enough of it and literally crave it during the day if I didn't have it for breakfast. So, where'd that come from?

You'll never guess. But, I will share ...

So, years ago, there Aaron and I were watching the summer sensation (ha!) Big Brother when some of the contestants were put on "slop" for the week. No one explained specifically what it was (because I don't think the contestants know), but it was clear no one was excited about this super-bland, not-so-appetizing cuisine. I then did some poking on the internet to see if I could find out what it was, and the closest descriptor to anything relatable was along the lines of 'oatmeal but worse.'

And, with that, something triggered in my brain, and I felt compelled to try oatmeal again. (Really ? From that? Yes. Really.) I still find oatmeal all by itself less than inspiring, but that's where the fruit addition began. And, together? YUM. YUM. And, oh-so-good for me.

Look, I take inspiration where I can get it. And, clearly, you never know where you'll find it!

Speaking of breakfast, one of the household members has totally cut back on hers ...
I don't think it's much of a coincidence that her appetite lowered when the running ceased so she could heal her leg. I do think it's unfair, though, that the dog just naturally cut back on her eating to adjust to her lowered activity level because that doesn't seem terribly instinctive to meeeee ...

Of course, how long did it take me to train my brain to not do this after a long run?

... A very, very long time. I'm just sayin'!

Have yourself a great rest of your Friday and start to your weekend, and I'll see you after the morning run!

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