Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Twos. Over and Out.

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 133 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 635.7 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 292 Money Found For Food Bank: $42.62

Do you ever have one of those days where you get to the end of it and have no idea how you actually got there?! For me, that was called, "Yesterday," and it got away from me to the point that it never even crossed my mind to fitting running-mapping-writing into my day at all.

And, so I didn't!

But, today is another day, and I'm more on track! I didn't map my run until moments before running it, but that fit well into the unintentional attitude toward it which was that I didn't seem to take it very seriously anyway. Scheduled was a 2-miler, and I just wasn't into it. I was into getting out and running, but the two-mile thing annoyed me, so I decided to make it a money-finding mission instead.

Now, what that can do is take my mind totally and completely off of running. That worked great for Elly because if she wanted to stop, then I was all about stopping with her. She had some fun investigating, too, so this morning worked for both of us!

I ran one of my original score-big-bank routes this morning hoping to find the coins. There is a drive-thru on it that used to produce a lot of money because of the big gap in the pavement right below the Pay Here window. But, a while back, that crack got big-time power washed, and there was hardly a penny to be found for many months making putting it on my route not worth my time. Of course, there's never a guarantee anywhere I go or anywhere I look, but it went from big bank to zilch, so I decided to divert for a while. It's hard to go backward, you know?

Well, today was a launch forward! Look!
That's $1.65 of the money I could get with my fingers! I would need a stick to pop out the rest, but I got the bulk of it. Suffice it to say, power washing didn't last long, and the crack was disgusting. Check out how many of the coins are permanently discolored, and you'll know not only how gross it was but also how long they've been sitting there just waiting for me. Fortunately, a nearby puddle helped me get the vast majority of gross off of them. That a dead slug found its way onto my hand while I was swishing the coins is so very nasty irrelevant.

I might mention that an employee of this particular drive-thru walked by me while I was at it. There has been an occasion or two that someone comes to a drive-thru window, but I've never seen anyone live and in person face-to-face. It was kind of exciting. Anyway, he had his phone out, and while I'm pretty certain he wasn't using it to take pictures of the fool under the drive-thru scavenging for coins, one can't be sure. So, if he was snapping away and it goes viral, you'll know the real story behind the captions of how desperate I must be to dig for money while my dog just hangs out and watches the world go by. On the contrary, it's because I am so thankful that I'm not desperate that I give it away, but I get why no one watching me would know that! (What a great visual of that whole 'let's not just make assumptions' lesson, don'tcha think?!)

So ... back to running. Yeah, I did that, too. Because of my pursuit and target looking spots, I came close to doubling what I'm supposed to run today. But, with so many starts and stops, well, it's not like I overtaxed myself. It was more like a true interval training outing, and there's nothing bad about that. Elly seemed very on board with it all, too:
This was the last of the 2-milers for this training schedule, and that's probably good because I'm jacking around with them too much. Tomorrow is a break from running, but there's a lot going on keeping me physically active, and that's not really going to set me up well for Friday's long run. But, oh well. I think I've gotten to the point that pushing myself beyond what I've gotten used to would be a good thing, so I'm going to attack these next two days in that spirit!

Make whatever you're doing during your day count! Maximize your time as best you can, and I'll check in tomorrow before the long run!

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