Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Unbroken Tour Begins

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 123 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 592.1 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 283 Money Found For Food Bank: $39.59

Hooray for Saturday!! I hope yours started off as a great one! Mine started as the kickoff to my personal Unbroken Tour 2014!! That also means it's time to explain the theme, or the name will just get annoying! The meaning is threefold (fierce fans of Friends will find that funny):

First: It's been a long time since I've run a Half Marathon without walking a stretch. While that usually happens around Mile 11, it's happened as early as Mile 3. (And, I say that with no sense of shame!) I haven't put a goal on myself to run the entire distance unbroken since my first two, so, I'm wanting to take that on for this one.

Here's where it actually gets a little more serious and where the theme hit home for me. Literally.

Next: The course not only covers some of the same area where I used to hang out as a kid, but it's very close to the home where I grew up. It was in that home where a lot of my personal identity started (including how I'm not a runner ... oh, yes, that thought was developed back then!). Much of what I developed during that time turned into a great foundation. And, then, much of what I developed during that time produced some big pot holes in that very foundation! As an adult, I've come to a number of crossroads where I could either fall into a pot hole or fill it up and move past it. I'm very happy with where I've wound up, out of my childhood both strong and unbroken.

Finally: And, then there's my brother. You've seen him before, but he and I haven't seen much of each other as adults particularly because of logistics. Our relationship has run a pretty lengthy gamut, and it has been tried and tested for sure. But, it has never gone away no matter what's been between us. Never would I have thought to want to run a race with him (um, because he's going to kick my very ass or have to slow down considerably at which point I will remind him, 'Who doesn't like a brisk walk in the morning?') Anyway, for us to have stumbled to this point together and still want to get my ass kicked entering a race with him hang out is one of the greatest gifts I have. Whether he's able to join me or not (yes, the jury is still out on that!), I'll be thinking about him and what I have faith in being an unbroken bond.

And, there you have it. A very motivating trifecta for me.

To get there, though, this girl has some running to do! This morning's kick off was a good one except for the sinus gunk. Hey, did you know that when your nose is all stopped up, it makes it difficult to breathe while you run? It reminded me of gym class as a kid, and the teacher was always all about, "Breathe through your nose, not your mouth!" when we ran. I was always all, "Um, I think not  unless you want me to pass out! Nancy needs some air!!" I also had many thoughts of our high school goal keeper on our soccer team who was rather adept at blowing snot rockets (which, as a fullback was both funny and frightening). Anyway, I kept my issues to myself until I was finished and had an appropriate receptacle for my nasal contents. The really good thing about the nasal passage during-run-trauma is that, post run, I am mighty cleared out! At least, for now!

In the end, I put in 4 and a half miles, found 42 cents, and met up with my biggest fan and cheerleader!
That's a mighty fine way to wrap up a run!
The training has begun! And, according to the schedule, that means tomorrow is a Rest Day!! Score!! (That's some good scheduling!) Have a Saturday full of all kinds of good, and I'll check in tomorrow!


  1. And you are off!! It will be a great your theme! Feel like I should get a tattoo in solidarity. Or maybe I'll just write on my arm with pen!! :)

  2. Aw, thanks, Mary Kate! And, I say go for a compromise between the tattoo and the pen ... SHARPIE!! :)
