Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Simple Enough

I've spent some time during these past few days reflecting about Saturday's 6-miler because I've been intrigued about why it wasn't much more difficult than it proved. Besides not having run that distance in some time, I didn't even put my smarts on enough to warm up that morning. I just went on out like a fool and let the chips fall where they may. That they fell softly was a gift!

I wanted to understand why that run worked out well because it really shouldn't have. I had an immediate internal response answering my own question, but I wanted to ponder it for a few days to see if I still landed on that same answer. Here we are a few days later, and, yup, I landed in the same spot: It worked so well because this entire running gig has been by my design, my goals and my way.

I've kept in mind the rest of my life while fitting running into it which means I don't care to over-train to the point I'm sacrificing family time or energy (or risking actual injury). I stop midstride for a whole host of reasons including to take pictures, pick up money, take a water break, walk a stretch because I darned-well feel like it, and I make no apologies for any of it.

Could I be a better runner? I'm absolutely certain of it. But, running is only one part of my life. And, I like it like that. It's fun!

Speaking of the fun, I have to crack that code as well. Ready? Here we go: It's fun because I decided it is.

See how easy that is?

I see no reason whatsoever to focus on what parts of running aren't fun because, let's face it, there are a lot. But, even someone who doesn't run already knows or can make excellent assumptions about what parts of it suck. I feel no need to remind anyone of that every time running becomes a topic (what a bore). I already bemoaned my weariness to my friends and family when I first started. That's fine at the beginning of a new venture, but, we're all wayyyy past that theme, and I'm thankful for the following unspoken understanding: You get I work hard, and I get you don't want to hear me break down how hard this can be every, single time we talk.

Shoot, I don't want to talk about that! (remember that boredom notation? That applies to my level of interest as well!) Besides, what a great way to bring my own self down by focusing on the negative! I'd much rather talk about what makes it fun!

Make sure you're not sabotaging your own endeavors by focusing on what is making it a challenge! The challenges presented are probably very real and do, indeed, require extra and/or different effort; don't make your own self part of the challenge!

One more piece of fun for the day to share ... our new fish! His name is Cruise (after the Florida Georgia Line song of the same name ... but, as sung by the a cappella group Home Free. Because I love Home Free.):
I had to put the flash on to see him
in the pic ...
... and, when it went off, he immediately
turned around like, "What the hell ?!"
Lizzy has a new tasty friend.
I know the fish and the cat have nothing to do with running. They're just fun. Like runnnniiiiinnnggg ...

Three miles are on the docket for tomorrow!! I'll check in after ... see you then!

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