Monday, August 25, 2014

Strong Start To the Week!

Okay, so, the other day, a friend of mine called wanting to get together because she wanted to pick my brain. She wanted ideas and thoughts about what to think through as she reconfigures her at-home world around the latest evolution of her kids' schedules. I have known this person for decades, and we used to work together in the real world, so it made me giggle a little bit that she sought my thoughts since I've always, always seen her as far more together than I have ever been. But, who am I to judge, and if she wanted my thoughts, my thoughts she received!

Notable topic of our conversation: When talking about how a week could look, I did mention that I make an appointment with myself for the days I run complete with actually writing it on the calendar. I know you already knew that, but she did not. I also told her that if I absolutely have to change that appointment with myself that I actually change (reschedule) it and not just cross it off. As that has been the key to my success, I found it an important piece of sharing my thoughts on how I make the most of my time and get in the things I want to accomplish.

Notable moment from our conversation: I wasn't necessarily sure I was sharing anything particularly worthwhile as schedules and how they work out are pretty personal, but we had a lovely time together. As we were wrapping up, she made a couple of notes (see? TOTALLY more together than I!) about things I said that resonated the most, and THEN -- as she is also my Mary Kay person -- she gave me the cleanser I ordered from her last week for free because she was so appreciative of my time and thoughts! WOAH!! Who does that? (Um, she does ...) This moment was not about the fact that I got my super-awesome cleanser for free; it was about seeing someone's heart first thing on a Monday.

That seriously rules.

The rest of the day has been as full as I predicted between laundry and work and other miscellaneous agenda items including my continued endeavor to become Queen of the Crock Pot and have more dinners come out of them! (Remember that black bean-quinoa dish? Yeah, it's crock-potable!) I'm so determined that -- as we speak -- there are two on the counter simmering up some goodness right now!
Double duty dinner duo.
Two separate chicken dishes -- one put together as called for in the recipe, the other that I dinked around with to see what happens! Both great fuel for the morning run!

Somehow, some way, Monday pulled together to be a well-paced good one today! I hope yours started off just as strong, and I'll see you after the morning run!

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