Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 137 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 654.4 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 295 Money Found For Food Bank: $44.43

When we really look at our lives, and we really dig in to why we do what we do (or keep ourselves from doing what we want to do), we can discover the truth behind our behaviors. We don't tend to like the truth, but it does exist. And, the more I understand myself and others around me, the more I see how very few degrees of separation there are among us. And, not just in the Kevin Bacon way.

We all have versions of the same-or-similar truth. A lot of my personal truths just happen to show up in my running. I originally started writing about it because I wanted to be real that an everyday activity can be challenging and rewarding and fun and suck all at the same time. I hoped if at least one person (me) is honest about feeling that way, perhaps someone else will know their own struggles are normal, and they'll keep going.

On the other end of the spectrum, I write to share that even in what seems to be a most basic and often mundane activity can live the most profound reflection of life lessons. My specifics are different from yours, but I bet our themes are often relatable.

I unintentionally thought about some life lessons when I was out running this morning. I had my favorite, four-legged pal with me, and she's actually the one who drilled a lesson into my head when we were running along a busy street, and all she could do was literally hold herself back while turning backward to see what was coming. She's gotten fearful enough on this particular stretch that I'm not sure I can take her there anymore. I know that if she had the ability to look forward and trust what she knows, she'd be secure that she's safe. I looked down (and back) at her and wanted to tell her, "Stop looking backward in fear because you're just holding us back; look forward and go." Of course, that's not a lesson a dog is going to learn. I'm sure it's one I could use a moment to review, though ...!

Oh, that dog. I was mostly glad to have her out there with me, but seeing as it took us longer to cover three miles today than it did for me to cover 4 yesterday, well, that's not quite what I'm trying to accomplish most mornings! She might just have to sit out for the rest of this training schedule and get her exercise elsewhere. She wouldn't complain as long as she got to explore now and then!

With that, it's a break from running tomorrow to gear up for Friday's long run! Keep it real especially to your own self, and I'll check in on tomorrow's Rest Day!

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