Sunday, December 15, 2013

What's Good Is That I Didn't Want To Go Fast Anyway ...

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 188 Nancy's 2013 Mileage: 890 Elly's 2013 Mileage: 451.2 Money Found For Food Bank: $1.85

Okay, because I'm a complete tool, I didn't even realize the Jingle Bell Run yesterday was cancelled!! I honestly thought the show would go on! Everyone signed a waiver and all ... I know it was a good call, I just didn't know it happened, so I was bummed on behalf of the runners who were looking forward to it!!

Given the footing conditions on my run this morning, it was definitely the right thing to call that race off. While there are some completely cleared spots, you have to puddle jump to get to them. The streets are a patchwork of ice that a car can handle, but a runner? That's a different story.

I heard a plow go up and down our street sometime after midnight, but you could just hear how it wasn't doing much good while the blade bumped over the ice. I appreciated the effort, though. But, Elly did not. After the plow passed twice, she was right next to my side of the bed staring at me with her ears back. I think someone got scared in the dark!

And, this morning, her fears were totally behind her while my determination to cover some miles outside (vs. on the treadmill) was just as strong as yesterday. I knew it would mean being on high alert and walking through some areas, but that beats running inside any. day.

It was 18 degrees, but the wind was minimal making it tolerable for all involved including Aaron who double-triple hates being cold! It sure can make things pretty, though, see?
A perfect amount of ice to make things beautiful but not
Nothing is prettier than this, though ...
Love. Her.
I knew before heading out that today's mission was just to get some movin' miles. Mission accomplished with the added bonus that human nor beast fell down. We cruised along stopping only a couple of times for Elly to do her part in keeping the "don't eat yellow snow" statement relevant. Good doggie ...

And, tomorrow? We rest! Well, we rest from running at least! I'll check in then ...

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