Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I Hate Watching TV To Learn, So Why Would I Want It In My Running?

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 185 Nancy's 2013 Mileage: 878 Elly's 2013 Mileage: 439.2 Money Found For Food Bank: $1.75
Yesterday's calendar page from my someecards calendar is perfect, don't you think?
We're fortunate to have a few inconveniences; 'still thinking
about those who got hit way harder and are still dealing with it!
It was 9 degrees when we went out this morning, and the sidewalks were exactly as I predicted: unpredictable! Fortunately, no one fell. Well, Elly kind of did when I had to work the snow out of her back paws, but she's fine. That little slip was totally worth it to her because even this little bit of snow, snow that's not even really wet, still managed to pack in between her pads requiring two rounds of unintended foot massage for the pooch! The only other time that's happened to her was when we were running on packing snow. That was our first Winter together, and it never crossed my mind that would happen with what is on the ground now. Apparently, I don't know everything there is to know about the snow's particular properties. Go figure.

And, can I just say that as much as I do love snow and Winter weather, this little bitty round that we received really wreaked havoc on the ol' money finding venture! Suffice it to say, snow and a little bit of ice fill in that gap where money tends to fall at my go-to drive-thru! I never even considered that possibility when mentally routing my run today. Okay ... that's two things learned today! (Am I running to learn?)

I did take today as an opportunity to investigate a place I can only go when there are no cars in line because that store is actually open. Its drive-thru traffic tends to be very low, though, so it's always worth a look even if I have to pass. Elly and I ran by today, and I saw an opportunity to cruise through the drive-thru lane. I like to do so as quickly as possible while trying to demonstrate to anyone who might see that I'm just passing through and not lingering. Having worked a drive-thru as a teen, I can speak from experience that no drive-thru employee is interested in seeing anyone approach a window on foot. Just sayin'.

As I came up on the spot where money would drop, I could see I needed to take a bit of pause to do some picking up (yeahhhh!). So, I ran the last few steps in a crouch (oh, yes ... picture it), kept my head down and furiously grabbed coins in a way I never knew I could wearing gloves. (I used to have a cat ...
This one!
... who closed her eyes when she was doing something wrong. Clearly, her logic was if she couldn't see us, then we couldn't see her. I have to admit I adopted that mindset as I kept my head way down under that drive thru. 'Think it worked?)

Nineteen cents later, Elly and I were on our way! By the way, just to put it into worth-it perspective, that 19 cents is almost 3 pounds of food for the Food Bank. I call that winning!

After that, Elly and I kept motoring along without drive-thru distractions or further unbelievable, sudden construction obstacles that were a surprise to me but, to on onlooker, made me look like the biggest idiot to running along such a route. Oh well. We made it, and we did so very safely, I might add. It was a really good outing, and I was very happy to find out after we were finished that we went more than 5 1/2 miles when I thought this particular route was closer to 4. The only regret I have about it is that the extended distance is why Elly's paws had to be cleaned out twice instead of what would have turned out to be once.
"I'm a big girl, mommy. I can handle it.
Chalk it up to 'any attention is good
attention', and let's not worry."
Tomorrow's another adventure! I think I'm leaving the hound on the couch, though, and giving her paws a break! I'll check in after the morning run!

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