Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It's a Dog's Run

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 181 Nancy's 2013 Mileage: 858.9 Elly's 2013 Mileage: 420.1 Money Found For Food Bank: $.78

If you ever wanted to see Elly's "I just got busted and am trying to show how sorry I am but am so embarrassed that I can't really look at whom I offended" look, here it is:
It's like this: We were cruising along heading into our third mile when it became immediately necessary for me to make an adjustment to my shoe. This never happens during a run, so, I'll give Elly that it was unchartered territory. I mean, stop and wait? What's a girl to do with herself when she's not the one having the problem?

As I was working with my shoe strings (a feat not as easy as it sounds when I haven't untied nor adjusted them since April), I did feel Elly tug on her leash. But, that's so normal that I didn't even look up.

Then I did. And, she was licking her chops working to get something off of her tongue. Her face was all kinds of happy, so I knew she was trying to eat whatever was in her mouth, not trying to stop from gagging. Having no idea what was in there, not wanting her to accidently gag, and not having any desire to plunge my hand in her mouth to retrieve whatever-it-was, I looked at her and disgustedly said, "Eww! Stop it!" And, the hound immediately spit whatever it was.

It was this:
The girl found part of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And, she was loving it except for the fact that it seemed to, literally, stick to the roof of her mouth. (That she immediately spit it in reaction to me was pretty funny, though.)

Should I mention I felt another with-a-grand-purpose tug again a half mile later only to turn back and see her, on the run, lick part of a bagel?

Should I further mention that, on the way home, Elly chose to lick almost the entire passenger window? Just thought I'd throw that one out there.

I can't say this was Elly's best outing. Between her attempts to carb load on the fly and the multitude of times she ran either sideways or at a 45-degree angle because whatever noise behind her scared the shivers out of her, well, her morning run wasn't one that afforded her much in terms of internal peace nor cleansing!

But, I found a total of 10 cents and didn't trip over her once, so I call that a success! Let's see if we can turn her running frowns upside down tomorrow! I'll check in and let you know!

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