Thursday, August 29, 2013

Wrong Decision Made Right

Here's the deal. For the past few weeks, I've been wildly under-enthused about running the Roots and Blues Half Marathon. I've been trying to figure out why while, at the same time, trying to push the thought away because I didn't want to talk myself out of something when, frankly, I didn't know what I was talking about at all. Something about it just felt bleh. Call it bad vibes from my past participation when there were only 2 water stops on a 13.1 mile route in September humidity and the course was poorly marked and they ran out of medals. Add to that some lackluster feedback I've received about last year's event (in which I did not participate) plus the knowledge that it's the same group handling it, and I've not been excited to hop on the site to register. Seeing as two years ago I proclaimed I would not put my money toward that event again, and I keep questioning why I've gone back on that.

Yesterday, I finally remembered that I truly never did intend to run that race again. I was admittedly pretty peeved about the whole experience once it was well past me. But, it was the sloppy-seconds choice I made when I realized we had a family schedule conflict knocking out the possibility of running Rock'n'Roll St. Louis. I was so stoked to do that one again that, once it was out of contention, I really really really wanted an official run in its place. I'd logically and emotionally latched on to that goal, but I've not yet embraced my way of achieving it.

Enter: Pink Awareness Cupcake Virtual run!!

I know I mentioned this a couple of days ago, but now I've officially registered both myself and Pit Crew #2!! (You can, too! Check it out: As soon as I registered, I knew I needed to decide on a distance, and every fiber of my body screamed that I wanted to make it a Half. How I was going to pull that off even close to October after suffering through Roots and Blues (See? Bad attitude!) was beyond me.

And, then! I started comparing the pros and cons list I had for both options not the least of which being able to again route the virtual path to end at the local cupcake shop (score!) with a guarantee that my medal will be waiting for me at the end, and it was a no brainer.

My run date is Saturday, November 2: Who's with me?!

Remember: With the virtual run, you pick your distance and your route and if you will walk, run or move in combination! It's awesome!!
Yes, indeedy ... and, you really get this in
a virtual run!! (Running In the Rain
Facebook page)
I wasn't sure last week, but I've confirmed the money for this run is definitely goes to the Komen fund. I'm happy for that, too, as the family calendar-o-conflicts also bumped that local run off of my list of possibilities! So, I'll get to contribute this way, and I'm totally jazzed about it! Everyone wins!!

I feel soooooo much better having made this decision!! Reconsidering Roots and Blues was a good idea in that it kept me challenged and motivated. I just wasn't motivated to run that race! Would that race have been the disaster I'm portraying? Probably not. But, why go into something like that, paying to participate, with so many questions of there being an awesome outcome? That doesn't even make good economic sense much less common sense.

It feels awesome to have made a wrong decision right! Also awesome that this change of plans motivated me to plot out my anticipated running for the remainder of the calendar year which will, by design, land me on running 900 miles in 2013. Booyah!!  Last year, my intended goal was 800 miles, and I ended up with 750. Knowing 900 is more than in reach feels fantastic!
My high-tech ways and I were busy earlier today figuring out
that path to 900!
Those 900 miles take into account a 10-miler tomorrow. Given the weather, I'm not wild about that, but I'm so much more motivated to take it on for my new reasons rather than doing it to train for a race I really didn't want to run in the first place. So, at least my brain is pretty stoked to get out there in the morning. My body might have something to say about it by the time I'm through, but I can deal with that! I'll check in after! See you then!

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