Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Feels Like Housekeeping

"Feels Like Housekeeping" has the same rhythm as "Smells Like Teen Spirit." Although, I really don't know what teen spirit smells like. And, I don't really want to.

ANYWAY, happy Tuesday, and welcome to Rest Day!! Don't get used to Tuesdays being restful, though, because part of my whole-house clean-up rampage today included revamping my running schedule! Okay, that's a little dramatic because I really only shifted everything back one day, but STILL! I've had the same schedule for almost four years, so it's going to take me a few weeks to remember which days are for resting and which are not!

The shift comes at the hand of two factors. First, looking ahead to the school year and its new schedule, the school schedule -- which, of course, trumps the running schedule -- blew my plans to smithereens! But, that's nothing a little rethinking and a bottle of white out can't handle!
A runner's best friend. Who knew?
I'd already been giving my post-Half schedule some thought which included moving my weekend long runs off of the weekend anyway, so now seemed the right time to just move everything. Because, why not?

In other news which also affects my calendar and potentially yours, the Team In Training Virtual Sparkle Cupcake sponsor is at it again with a super cool running opportunity! This one is supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month (and I believe the money is going to the Komen organization, but, to be honest, I'm not clear on that ... although I totally trust this virtual cupcake run group). It's called the Pink Awareness Cupcake Virtual Run ... same deal as the previous ones where you get to pick your distance (suggested 5K, 10K or Half). Keep in mind I chose 10 miles for my Firework one, so, really, it's on your honor for a cause!

Here is the link if you want to check it out:

And, here is the mock up of the medal design:
You can see this at the Cupcake Virtual Runs for Charity Facebook page as well as the above link!

The aforementioned upcoming schedule review knocked out a few races in which I planned to participate including the Komen run, so I was really happy to see this opportunity! The proposed date to run is October 12, but there's no way it's happening until the end of October for me. (Gotta love the honor system!) I now need to decide the distance ... !!

That oughta do it for today!! Tomorrow is a much more simple day: We run! I'll see you after!

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