Thursday, August 8, 2013

Broken Record ... Ready To Skip This Beat!

I know I sound like a broken record, but I swear I know this cycle will break. So, please bear with me.

The theme: I so did not want to run today!!

I keep bringing it up because it's this kind of running-sucks streak where it's so tempting to just quit. In fact, I've done just that in the past. A few times. In the past few years, though, I've decided that instead of stopping when I'm weary (and subsequently making excuses to cover the fact that I got tired and felt insecure about that), that I would be totally honest with myself and anyone else, but I would keep going with full faith that life would take another shift, and everything would again feel easier to accomplish! Given the whole picture of my life, of course I'm tired! But, that's part of life's ebbs and flows, so "easier" running will return, and my quitting will not make that happen any time soon.

So, we keep going!

There was someone in the house all kinds of ready to get going ... can you guess? See if you can crack the code ...
Clue: It's the one with the waggy tail.
Clue: It's most definitely not the one
exerting all of her day's energy rolling
to her side!
Today's was the last of the 2-milers on the training schedule (Man! Those went away fast!), and I was very thankful given the swim this run was!! I was dripping with sweat within the first half mile! Stupid humidity making it even less appealing to run today! You'd think I would have appeciated Elly's multiple potty stops ...
"I gotta mark the entire route today, mommy! I just gotta!"
... but, it just got annoying because I just wanted to finish! I did get to check this out while waiting for her, though:
I have no idea what kind of bush this is, but I totally dig that
it is two-toned in the flower department! Or, it's two bushes
planted together that have become one. Either way, outstanding!
After the first mile, I finally fell into Elly's start-stop pattern and embraced it because it was clear it wasn't going to change this time out! I also decided to completely and intentionally shift my mindset to something positive. I decided to be proud of myself for getting out there and going. Because, not only did I really really really really really really really really not want to go, but there was also no magic in making it happen. I just had to decide, and then I just had to do it. Period. After a number of trials and many errors to attempt running in the past, I finally cracked the code: If you really want to go, then just go.

And, so ... we did!
"Yeahhhh we did, mommy!!!"
By the way, I got a super-late start to my running opportunity today -- check out how much dew was still on the grass at 11 a.m.:
I originally took this pic to show that the fairies must have
heard me the other day talking about wanting to see them, (and,
now, we have welcoming homes for them, too!), but then I saw
the dew and was pleased for the physical evidence of the very
wet atmosphere I'd just experienced!!
And, tomorrow?!?! Oh yes ... we rest!! I'm certain this seriously-I'm-tired streak will subside!! It just always feels like it's going to take forever to do so! In the meantime, thanks for hanging with me while I ride this wave! Restful things to come tomorrow! See you then!


  1. The flowering bush is a Rose of Sharon. :-) They're GORGEOUS this year!!

    1. I had NO idea!!! Once I noticed one around town, I see all kinds of them! They're fab!! Thanks for cracking THAT code!!
