Sunday, September 16, 2012

Pretty Awesome In Pink

Two days after I received my all-is-well from my mammogram call-back, I learned about a friend's mom who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. And, that of another. While my experience was something of a roller coaster, this news was sobering.

Sometimes, running isn't about me.

Today's run is one about which I feel very passionate. I am so unbelievably thankful for the advancements that have been made in this area just in my lifetime and for those predicted for the near future that could change the course of this disease entirely in the lifetime of my kids.

I'm thankful for the lives those advancements have saved.

It is one of my greatest hopes that my kids grow up understanding that while breast cancer totally sucks, it's something that can be caught, treated and, in my greatest prayers, cured. It is also a mission of mine and Aaron's to make check ups and health education of all kinds a normal part of our kids' lives and not thought of as something to fear or -- worse -- duck and dodge. The Komen run is a piece of helping with such a mission in addition to celebrating those who have taken on the bravest fights.

Yes, sometimes running is about so much more than myself.

Today was a particularly proud run as PC#2 was with me! Remember how much fun we had signing up?! That was nothing compared to the real deal!! After a stop into the world's cleanest porta potty (no joke ... I almost took a picture, but you've learned by now I draw the line at photographing such things ... human or canine ...), we kicked off a great morning! Check out how the event went!
There we are -- bright and early ready to scout the expo area
before stretching ourselves out. Frankly, we didn't do too much
of the stretching, but we went through a few of the motions.
(I told you, I am terrible about stretching!)
There's our Pit Crew leader ... looks a bit
like a tourist, don'tcha think? Camera,
camera bag and holding the runners' swag
bags. Yup. Looks like a tourist. It's a pretty
fabulous look, and not many can pull it off.
Just sayin'. !
We saw a number of team race shirts and garments. I loved
the smattering of tutus in the crowd!
Our favorite sighting, though, was PC#3's second grade teacher!
She's the one in pink and is herself a breast cancer survivor!!
WOOHOO!!!!! 8 years free!!!! That's something to celebrate!
This was also her first 5K!!! You know I know how that feels,
so it was my honor to cheer her!!! We love both of these former
teachers, so running into them here was a fabulous way to start
the morning for all of us!!
Before we knew it, it was time to line up to start. Check out all
of the people! And, that's only part of the crowd!
Throughout the crowd, you could see a number of these signs
pinned to shirts. This race is one that moves you in a whole
host of ways from beginning to end.
And, we're off! Timed runners first, then we who don't care,
then the walkers. There's a place for everyone here!!
We saw the Pit Crewers, so I gave them a big, "Haaaayyyy."
Yup, I still think that's funny.
Along the way, the Food Bank won as I found a penny right
before hitting Mile 1! PC#2 was impressed by my fluid
swipe-and-go technique. It really is something to behold.
Here we are coming around the bend
toward the finish. We're almost at
Mile 3, and we are rockin' it!
There we are!! Seriously ... great running
Looking pretty good - smelling pretty bad!
Oh, yes ... the triple score! Cha-ching for the Food Bank!
Everybody wins!
There was no way we were leaving before cheering on our
friends!! There they are on the last stretch!! WA and HOO!!!
(It's impossible to not smile looking at them, isn't it?!)
Given this last round of yearly check, we were both so thankful
this year. Thank you, Aaron, for being my rock through that.
And, thank you for hugging me when I stink.
I suspect this is the first of many runs where I will have my fun pal with me; PC#2 was really good!! Very race considerate, very savvy weaving through the crowd, and very fun to talk to about things ranging from mammograms to dog food commercials. She rocks!!

Well, I took tomorrow's three-miler and swapped it into today, so, you guessed it, tomorrow's a REST DAY!! Super score!! May your Sunday have been as full of good as ours, and I'll see you tomorrow!

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