Sunday, September 9, 2012

So Early Is So Nice With Pals!

It was another long run day! Let's get to it!

I specifically planned today's route to incorporate as much of PC#2's training route into mine so we could maximize the run time together! Hooray! Here we are ... looking running-fabulous:
Ready or not ... rather still be in bed or not! ... here we go!!
Of course, Aaron and Elly accompanied us on their abridged route (they cut the corners, don'tcha know ... when I found that out, I just had to laugh!)! Elly was all about being with the girls!
"I can keep up, I swear I caaaaaaaannn!!"
Unfortunately, for her, after the first few tenths of the run, we part ways as she and Aaron leave us for straighter roads. I can't say as I blame them! PC#2 has turned out to be a great running partner. Neither of us talk very much, and we work well together on pace because we decided it was more important to run together than for one to leave the other. In truth, on these runs, she could blow me away. In fairness, as I reminded her this morning, I had 5 miles to take on after she was finished. I fully encourage her to go ahead if she would like, but I do like that she chooses to hang with her mama. (Yay!)

Might I mention the weather was fabulous this morning? It was so nice to go up the first incline ... not even a hill, an incline ... and not huff and puff through the humidity! There wasn't any! Last week when PC#2 and I were together, I assumed she was hearing my gasps early on and starting to wonder if I actually run all of these runs I claim or if I have a scooter stashed for when I'm out of sight. This morning, my breathing was back to normal!

PC#2 and I cruised along and came upon our pals at the established check point. Look how perky Elly looks!
Hey, that's not running or walking!
And, she was sooooo happy to see us!
"Let me join you, pleeeeeeeeaaaaseeee!!"
We ventured along for another few tenths until PC#2 wrapped up her run, and I continued on for another 5.

Given last week's chug through humidity central and the toll that takes on a person physically and mentally, I wasn't especially excited to head out this morning. But, three miles into it, I felt great! Even heading up one of the longer, steadier inclines was no big deal. It's amazing what the change in weather can do!!! (Just a couple of weeks ago, I calculated how many miles per week I needed to run post-Half to hit 800 miles for the year, and it turned out to be about 20. I was a bit intimidated by that because, frankly, those miles are difficult to pile on when it's so nasty out! This morning's run reminded me that better temperatures are on their way, and I have no doubt that I can take on the challenge to hit that goal! ... Remind me of this when we get a weirdo temperature spike and I feel unable to make it happen, would you?!)

Right after Mile 4, I get to a point where I prefer to run in that length's bike lane rather than on the sidewalk. There's little-to-no traffic there, and I don't really like that particular sidewalk, so, I use the bike lane. And, look how that paid off!
Did I just receive positive reinforcement for doing the wrong
thing? Nahhhhh ...
And, just in case you thought I am always a fool and not utilzing the sidewalks, well, I went right back on them after that stretch, and it paid off, too!
No dings, no evidence of being smashed nor otherwise drug
under car tires ... my assessment is you are new to the
hanging-out-and-waiting-for-Nancy-to-come-along game ...
At this point in last week's run, I was already downing the water and realizing I needed to actually ration it. Today, I took a drink here because I thought it was a good idea, but I really didn't feel like I needed it. Seriously! One week's difference! I'll take it!

There was absolutely nothing remarkable about the rest of the run. The temperature was great, there was barely any traffic to speak of and I simply enjoyed not only being out there but also being able to log these miles. Along the way, I got to thinking about the first time I ran this distance and how depleted and miserable I was after. Fast forward, and I knew I'd finish feeling strong and looking forward to the bagel and Diet Coke that awaited me.

Before that, though, I saw this little fella:
Nice to see after the terrible summer we
have had where everything burned up and
withered away!
And I ran and extra couple of tenths to wrap it up simply because it was a better stopping point. Being willing to go a wee bit extra is a victory in and of itself!
I was seriously happy with that run! And,
don't I look majestic in the sunbeams?
That's awesome.
I intentionally design my route to have about a half mile to walk home so I can slow it down but keep things moving (instead of the abrupt stops I used to pull ... so stupid ... ouuuuuuchhhhh), which is when I indulged in the grapes I brought along in case I needed the energy.
If you look super-close, you can see a wee piece of lint on the
top of the bottom grape. I only saw that in the picture. I didn't
see it in real life. Down the hatch! Fiberlicious.
With a leisurely walk home, that's 8 miles in the tank and a short run to look forward to tomorrow. The weather's supposed to be the same as today! That'll be a great way to start a Monday! See you then!

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